Why can't you get married in sandals?

A wedding is a solemn and exciting event for two loving people. When planning a celebration, the bride and groom try to observe all customs, and in most cases they do not neglect superstitions – a kind of covenants and warnings from distant ancestors.

The bride reverently chooses a wedding outfit, jewelry, shoes and appropriate accessories, also based on signs, one of which says: you cannot get married in sandals.

is it possible to get married in sandals If you get married in sandals, then, according to signs, the newly-made wife will have to go 'barefoot' for the rest of her life

Why can't you get married in sandals?

Shoes are an essential attribute of a wedding suit and you need to be very careful in choosing them, and here's why:

  1. In the days of our ancestors, women, when they got married, wore a dress to the floor, that is, the outfit that completely covered their legs, since they are considered the most vulnerable part of the body. It is believed that a bride who wears sandals for a wedding can get the evil eye from unkind people. The consequences can be very different, ranging from illness to an unhappy family life.
  2. There is another explanation: when the heel or toe of a wedding shoe is open, family and material well-being will flow through the open space, and anger, aggression and hatred will gradually fill the house, which ultimately will lead to a break in relations.
  3. Sand and small stones will get into shoes with open noses, and this can lead to the appearance of a rival who wants to grab the attention of the future husband – this is another rationale for the sign why it is impossible to get married in sandals.
  4. An open heel is a kind of channel through which happiness will go from lovers.
  5. If you marry in sandals, then, according to signs, the newly-made wife will have to go 'barefoot' for the rest of her life, that is, in cheap shoes that will not save her from the cold and rain.
  6. Sandals have a lot of fasteners, intertwining straps and other accessories, and this will serve as an obstacle to easy and quick childbirth.
  7. In sandals, in addition to an open toe or heel, there are many other holes through which happiness and financial well-being will flow from the newly made spouses.

why you can't get married in sandals The sandals have a lot of fasteners, intertwining straps and other accessories, and this will serve as an obstacle to easy and quick childbirth.

How to choose the right shoes?

There is a whole list of signs that say that you cannot get married in sandals, but then how to choose the 'right' shoes for a solemn event? In order to protect yourself as much as possible and protect your family life, you must follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • It is imperative to choose only closed shoes without fasteners and straps, this will protect the bride, and then the wife, from the evil eye.
  • Closed shoes, worn on the day of the wedding, will make it easier to bear and give birth to a healthy and strong baby faster.
  • The heel should be moderately high and necessarily thick so that it does not break during the festivities, otherwise the bride faces an early divorce or early widowhood.
  • The high heel on the bride's shoes suggests that she will become the head of the house, but you should not get too carried away here, so as not to make the spouse henpecked.
  • To attract happiness to the house of the newlyweds, it is better to go to buy shoes on Friday.
  • Signs do not recommend changing shoes during the wedding day, changing shoes into more comfortable shoes threatens spouses with inconsistency, and after that, betrayal and betrayal.
  • Wedding shoes should be practical and comfortable so that you can wear them after a special event. It is believed that the longer yesterday's bride wears wedding shoes, the more happy years the couple will live in marriage.
  • Wedding shoes, even if they are uncomfortable or out of fashion, cannot be sold or given to be worn. Signs say that by borrowing her shoes, a woman shares her family happiness. Another interpretation of omens means: to sell wedding shoes – to push the husband to infidelity.

Most brides prefer shoes to match the dress, although in Russia they got married in red boots, according to long-standing superstitions, it is the red color of shoes that symbolizes long love and passion.

Naturally, it is impossible to observe every single sign when preparing for a solemn event. If the bride is superstitious and afraid to jinx her family happiness, then it is better to get married in closed shoes, and if she is very skeptical, then choose the shoes that she likes, not based on any signs.

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