Why can't you go to the bathhouse at night?

Slavic life has always been built on the experience of ancestors. This knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth, thanks to which the connection between generations was preserved. Now information also passes from father to son, so folk wisdom has survived to this day. So, for example, signs explain why after 12 noon you can't go to the bathhouse. why after 12 you can't go to the bath As the signs say, washing in the bath after 12 on Tuesday is to receive bad news from a friend

Signs and superstitions

According to signs, people who wash after twelve will face negative events in the near future. To understand what to expect, you need to pay attention to the details of what happened. There are several options for how to determine the consequences of a night trip to the bathhouse.

By days of the week

Depending on the day of the week, which came after 12 o'clock, one can understand what portends such an act as washing at night in the bath.

  1. On Monday – soon to be disappointed in the second half. It turns out that the partners overestimated each other's positive qualities, not paying attention to the negative character traits, because of this, feelings will cool down, leading to a breakup.
  2. As the signs say, to wash in the bath after 12 on Tuesday is to receive bad news from a friend. The information will concern mutual acquaintances. In order to help those in trouble, you will have to neglect your own affairs and spend energy, time and money on friends.
  3. Long-term lack of motivation to work is the reason why you cannot wash on Wednesday in the bath. A person will not be able to cope with duties in a short period of time, which will deteriorate his professional status.
  4. Washing in the bathhouse on Thursday is an omen of an unpleasant conversation with a stranger. An unexpected meeting and conversation will entail reasoning about controversial issues. A dispute will flare up, after which both parties will have a negative opinion of each other.
  5. According to signs, going to the bathhouse on Friday after 12 at night – to lose self-respect after a gross mistake, troubles at work and workload will negatively affect a person's performance, because of which he will not be able to cope well with the orders of his superiors.
  6. To wash in a bathhouse on Saturday is to draw the attention of devils to your own family. Each of the relatives will have minor problems that will take time and effort to solve. A series of failures will negatively affect the mood in the house. Spending time together and having a heart-to-heart talk will help get rid of despondency and discontent.
  7. If a person goes to the bathhouse on Sunday night, he will face a financial crisis. Money problems will lead to the desire to work harder, which will lead to new responsibilities. The gradual transition to a busy work schedule will increase the budget.

why you can't go to the bathhouse at night and wash  Washing with relatives – becoming a victim of ridicule in the work collective

Surrounded in a bath

According to signs, you can not wash after 12 under any circumstances. To understand what a similar event portends, you need to remember who else was in the bath.

  • Going to the bathhouse with your parents means losing one of your close friends. The moment a person needs support, a friend will turn away from him. The place of this acquaintance will be taken by another, thanks to which the individual will still be able to deal with the problems.
  • If a person washes his or someone else's child in the bathhouse after 12 at night, then problems with upbringing will soon appear. The child will not have the desire to develop and memorize new information. Learning gaps will lead to more serious problems in the future.
  • To wash with relatives – to become a victim of ridicule in the work collective. A few offensive mistakes will lead to shame in front of the authorities. Failure will leave a mark on the employee's reputation that cannot be washed off even over time. In the future, it is these events that will bring a smile on the lips of colleagues.
  • Going to the bathhouse with friends is an omen of parting with your soul mate. Due to long-term conflicts that will be difficult to resolve, partners will cool off to each other. In the future, this will negatively affect the relationship between lovers, because of which they will disperse.
  • If colleagues washed in the bath, then everyone will have professional problems. Due to a misunderstanding between employees and the boss, the duties will be performed incorrectly; you will have to redo the project in a short time, making every effort. The end result will not be satisfactory, so there will be no reward for trying.
  • To wash alone in the bath is to an unsuccessful choice of a partner. A person will begin a relationship with the subject of adoration, however, due to the large number of shortcomings of each, lovers will not be able to enjoy the feelings.

If a person bathes in a bath after 12, then he brings trouble on himself and his family. Signs indicating what to expect in the near future after such an act will help prepare for negative events.

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