Esotericists believe that things take over the energy of their owners, preserving it for a long time. But in life, there are situations when clothes or shoes are passed to another person. What happens to the energy field and is it not dangerous to wear someone else's jewelry or things? Putting on someone else's thing if it got dishonestly is a bad sign
Can I wear other people's things?
Due to various life circumstances, people have to buy shoes and clothes in thrift stores or second-hand shops. Many girls happened to borrow shoes or a dress from a friend, which is called 'for going out'.
In families with many children, children have to wear shoes and clothes one after another.
It should be noted that even esotericists are not always categorical, admitting that in some cases the use of other people's things is quite acceptable.
Popular signs on this issue differ:
- It is generally accepted that the found gold does not bring happiness and it must be returned to the owner as soon as possible.
- Putting on someone else's thing if it got dishonestly is also a bad sign.
- Items that the former owner parted with voluntarily with good intentions, on the contrary, will bring good luck and health.
- Priests do not consider wearing someone else's clothing a sin, but church rules are not allowed to wear another person's pectoral cross.
- According to the Orthodox custom, you cannot wear the things of the deceased either. It is customary to distribute them to friends and neighbors, or to transfer them to the temple after 40 days after the burial.
Items that the former owner parted with voluntarily with good intentions – will bring good luck and health
What other people's things cannot be worn?
People dealing with metaphysical phenomena believe that inanimate objects tend to accumulate energy. It does not always benefit the new owner, and sometimes it can significantly harm. In their opinion, one cannot wear someone else's shoes or things without a preliminary rite of energy purification.
It is strictly forbidden to use things after another owner if:
- wardrobe items were purchased from a thrift store or thrift store;
- shoes or clothes belonged to a person who died from a serious illness;
- the thing was found on the street.
You should not bring home and use any items whose previous fate is in doubt.
You cannot use things after another owner if it was found on the street
Can children wear the clothes of their older brothers and sisters?
In a family where two or more children are growing up, the question of whether it is possible to wear other people's things is not worth it. The younger ones traditionally wear their clothes after the older ones, not considering it shameful. Parents manage to save money on wardrobe, and the children themselves are often happy to get the 'inherited' little thing from their older brother or sister.
However, psychological aspects must also be taken into account. If there is no mutual understanding and harmony between younger relatives, the child will perceive the wearing of other people's things as an infringement of his rights. How this situation will affect his psyche, no specialist will undertake to predict.
Such a practice is not condemned by esotericists, since members of the same family a priori have similar energies. With caution, you should treat only worn things donated by friends. It is not worth putting on clothes or shoes of someone else's child for your baby, at least until the rite of energetic cleansing has been performed over it.
Before using shoes or clothes, the ministers of the Orthodox Church recommend that the mother read a protective prayer and sprinkle the used items of children's wardrobe with holy water.
Therefore, you cannot try on other people's jewelry, even if they belong to good friends.
Can I wear someone else's jewelry?
Precious metals are more susceptible to the energy of their owners than ordinary things. Meanwhile, there is a tradition of passing on jewelry from generation to generation.
Negative precious metals and stones absorb and give away with the same success. Therefore, you cannot try on other people's jewelry, even if they belong to good friends. Folk omens warn spouses against passing the marriage symbol into the wrong hands. For the same reasons, you should not purchase wedding rings through a pawnshop.
If someone else's thing is inherited or donated, first of all it must be cleaned. Church candles are well suited for this purpose; their fire annuls bad energy. Running water allows you to remove the negative from jewelry. In addition to this, things must be thoroughly washed, and shoes must be treated with 'Miramistin' or 'Chlorhexidine'.