Why do aliens kill earthlings?

Why do aliens kill earthlings?Photos from open sources of

UFO sightings show that aliens possess such a level of technology that we cannot reach, maybe another thousand years even with the leaps and bounds of the development of our science. Therefore talk about war with the aliens, that they want to enslave us, somehow even naive. Would you like to – have long been taken to full or even destroyed.

Against the backdrop of such a peaceful coexistence of people and representatives of extraterrestrial races (and them on Earth, according to ufologists, somewhat) always seem strange murders, which aliens occasionally do. Their kidnapping is somehow understandable and understandable, but the murder … And in this case the most defenseless “little” people are chosen, because if aliens punished so, for example, Hitler, Mussolini, just a maniac killer like Andrei Chikatilo, then many would bow to them in legs, and then …

Fiery Death Joao Filhe

Cases when aliens were killed by mysterious fiery rays people mentioned by priests who lived in the 16th century, however, then it was all attributed to divine punishment. The most reliable and the well-described fact of fantastic fiery death can consider defeat the heavenly ray of the Brazilian farmer Joao Filie in 1946, whose family led at that time a patriarchal, almost village life – they didn’t even have electricity in their house.

On that ill-fated day, Joao, who was 44 years old, sent his family to a carnival in the nearby town of Aracariguama, and he himself with I went fishing with my friend. They returned in the evening, with excellent catch, in addition, the weather was beautiful, that is, it seems nothing portended either trouble or even the thunderstorm upon which the authorities Then they wanted to write off what happened.

A photo from open sources

And in these happy pre-sunset hours, Joao Filhe suddenly breaks into the house of his sister, who lived in Arakariguamah (in two kilometers from the farm), screaming heart-rendingly that a ray of heaven hit him and that he is dying. His body was really strange, his skin suddenly became transparent, and pieces of flesh fell on the veil in which he came running, or hung in shreds on the body. Soon from a man like it seemed to eyewitnesses, there were only eyes left. Relatives urgently wrapped everything that was left of him in the coverlet, and drove to hospital, but they delivered to the clinic a practically bare skeleton from the farmer, on whom, however, the clothes were well preserved, did not charred.

Ufologists Investigations

The scientist Felipe Carrion was the only person who saw records (police records) of eyewitnesses of that fantastic incident. He told all this to the ufologists Claudio Sienaga and Pablo Manso, who for a long time could not find any information about this strange incident incidentally mentioned in the media (even relatives of Joao Filhe it was impossible to find). However, in the late nineties century UFO researchers accidentally read in the newspaper an obituary about brother Joao’s death and hastened to meet his children. True, there was only one heir, at the time of the tragedy with Joao Filhe, the boy was 9 years old. He well remembered the case when in the city the burnt uncle Joao came running. However, he managed to inform his brother (father boy) that a mysterious man flew into the window of the room where he was the ray that hit him, after which the man felt terrible heat in the body, quickly wrapped in a coverlet and in this form walked barefoot to the city for two kilometers.

However, experts did not find any traces in Joao Filie’s house. the heavenly torch, which he repeated before death. Relatives farmers suspected that the widow knows much more, but for some reason keeps a secret. The fact is, she and six children flatly refused to live in the damned house where the tragedy happened, preferring to huddle at the sister-in-law. Moreover, I didn’t even try to pick it up. from home at least some things and values. For this reason, to the home Other residents of the area were afraid to approach, even thieves didn’t encroached on the contents of the house of Joao Filie. The building was empty many years until the authorities demolished it, and burying it in a deep hole and covering with a thick layer of earth, as if the house was contagious. Such measures precautions were taken in Brazil only when used nuclear or chemical weapons but nothing of the kind here experienced why people thought about aliens and their unearthly technology.

A photo from open sources

Ufologists Claudio Sienaga and Pablo Manso also learned that one of family members Joao Fiele experienced something similar. Once he walked along forest, when suddenly a ball of fire hovered over him. The man rushed to to the canyon, but the rays of light described by Joao Filhe surrounded the victim and began to tighten this fire loop. Then the Brazilian just sat on the earth and began to pray, despite the fact that it was getting hotter and hotter. But then a miracle happened – a fireball over his head suddenly stopped emitting its terrible rays, and then completely flew away.

Brazil is said to have similar attacks on humans aliens with defeated victims of fire rays also occurred in other parts of the country. In total, ufologists counted thirty affected, but lately nothing like this has been he doesn’t notice, at least in this century this has not happened. Why – no one knows, as yet unknown, than the aliens were prevented by Joao Filhe and the like “little” people and why they had to be killed in such a terrible way …


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