If the cat has left home for a long time, this is always a cause for concern. In addition to the longing for a home favorite, superstitions are haunted. There are many signs that recommend what to do if the cat leaves the house and does not return for a long time.
Perhaps they will be useful to you. As long as there is hope for the return of the cat that ran away, do not despair. There are cases when a pet returned after a month, two or even a year!
Folk signs
There is a belief about a cat who senses the possible death of a family member. The animal leaves the house so as not to 'meet' the disaster. This is most likely not entirely true. There are many cases when fluffy creatures literally nursed seriously ill owners, cuddled and caressed with their whole body – 'sucked out the disease', took the disease onto themselves. And then they left, carrying away the grief.
Eastern people believe that the cat lies on the chest of a sick person in order to have time to snatch the last breath from the suffering person, and with it, his soul. They say: 'Drinks the breath' in order to then transport the soul to another world, from where it can be reborn in the body of a newly born person. Cats are a guide between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Signs about possible reasons why cats leave home and do not return:
- A feline escape is an omen of impending disaster. The pet leaves to be saved.
- The reason for the cat's escape is that the animal protects its owners from misfortune. The kitty does not prophesy death, but takes it with him. The fluffy animal does everything it can to protect the house.
- The cat ran away – made room for a new tenant. Your family is expected to be replenished, not lost. Perhaps one of your close relatives is expecting a child.
There is an English proverb: 'The child was born – the cat must go!' – 'A child was born – the cat needs to leave!' This sign also exists with us. True, the proverb uses metaphors: 'cat' – doubts and indecision, 'scratching' the soul. And 'child' is a decision made.
Most people are sure that if the cat leaves the house in which there is a seriously ill person, then this person will soon die. But this is not true! There is another, more accurate sign. A sick person should take a kitty to his bed and watch her. If the animal stays close, the patient will soon recover.
The real reasons why the kitten or cat left:
- The old sick cat went to die away from the habitable place (this is the animal instinct of all representatives of the cat family). And for people there is a bad omen – to let the cat die in the house.
- The kitty left to lamb. She may soon return with her offspring.
- The kitten fell out of the window and got lost.
There are signs about the colors of cats, on which the influence of the animal on the fate of the residents of the house depends:
- Redhead – attracts love;
- Black – protects from evil spirits;
- White – a doctor, makes the atmosphere in the family more harmonious;
- Gray – cares about well-being;
- Tricolor – guarantees a storm of good changes.
But this does not mean that if the ginger cat leaves home, you will not have a romantic relationship, and the disappearance of the white cat does not portend illness. If an animal is lost, its color and sex do not matter.
Sometimes you can hear complaints: how many kitties they didn't start – they don't take root! Probably, something is wrong with the place, sheer mysticism or the tricks of the brownie …
How to please a brownie?
According to popular belief, the cat is the main assistant of the Brownie (Veles, Susedko, Bestiary, Domozhila).
These two creatures are even somewhat similar. If the cat leaves, leaves the 'landlord' without help – perhaps Veles does not want to accept her. To please Domozhil, superstitious people have motley pets. A popular omen says: The brownie prefers animals with wool of the same color as his hair.
Often it is not possible to guess the color of the cat the first time. Therefore, people take an animal into the house, the wool of which is colored in fragments in white, black, red. Such a cat has the most chances to be accepted by Velesa as an assistant. Such a pet will feel great in the family and will not run away anywhere.
Some people try to get a cat several times. If a white pet disappears, they take a black cat. If he escapes, they bring a red or gray one, try an animal of a different color.
Traditionally, Dobrokhot is friends with representatives of the feline breed, but sometimes Veles does everything possible to drive the meowing animal out of the house. And not necessarily, Domovoy does not like the color of the pet. Perhaps Dobrokhot is trying to protect people from evil. There is a strange belief among the people: the spirit of a witch sometimes settles in a cat, trying to destroy family well-being.
If you are sure that the cat does not harbor any evil in itself, the color of the animal's fur has nothing to do with it, and Domovoy still does not like it, you need to agree with Velesa. Perhaps the 'owner' is unhappy that 'whatever' gets into the house. In this case, a simple ritual will help.
Letting go of a new or returned cat in the house, appease Dobrokhot with words (you can say them mentally): 'Master-father, house-keeper! Here's a shaggy beast for a rich yard! I won't forget you, but save the beast! '
After that, do not forget to treat Veles with sweets every month (put cookies or candy somewhere in the corner). But make sure that the cat does not steal this 'offering' or anger the brownie.
There is a superstition of how to influence a cat. Leaving the house, each time tell him: 'Sleep, guard, do not pick up the brownie.' So you will protect the new 'settler' from troubles, and he will settle with you for a long time, will not run away.
There are also other signs of why a cat leaves home, leaving housing without energy protection:
- Dobrokhot got angry with the owner of the house and is trying to survive the whole family, starting with the cat.
- Housing is cursed. Sensitive pets do not stay in such a place. If some envious person performed a magic ritual over the tenants, sent damage, first of all, the furry beast will feel it, and urgently leave the bad house, which is a harbinger of problems.
- The cat does not have enough strength to normalize the energy of the home. If the house is inhabited by evil, envious, selfish people who regularly 'let off steam' in the form of high-pitched conversations, harsh sounds due to falling objects, then in such a place there is an excess of negativity. Brownies do not live in such places, and the cat has to leave such a house in search of the best owners.
Superstitions about a runaway cat returning home
The supporters of the superstition that if the cat left home – he took the trouble with him, the unexpected return of the pet is alarming. Indeed, why does the cat return? Maybe she brought on her tail that bad thing that she carried away? Definitely not! According to the signs, the return of the furry creature does not bode well. Be content that the animal has found its way home.
If you are haunted by beliefs, thoughts about mysticism, reason like this: the cat left the house and took your misfortune with it, why does she need to drag this weight back? She won't do it. Most likely, the loving kitty took a walk somewhere, had fun in the company of relatives, and now returned to the usual place to which she is attached.
Not only signs, but also objective data indicate the attachment of cats to the house, and not to the owner. In this, meowing tailed beasts differ from dogs devoted to humans.
Magic rituals for the return of the cat
When all the real ways to return the escaped cat have been tried (advertisements are posted, everyone around them has been notified of the loss), but you just don't have enough patience to wait, you can turn to higher powers for help.
It is better for believers not to perform any, even the most innocent magical rituals. Otherwise, it is difficult to avoid settling trouble in the soul. Better to go to the temple, light a candle, pray in your own words, ask God for the lost animal to return.
If you are not very religious, you can follow a few simple steps:
- Place and light a white candle next to your pet's bowl. While it is burning, mentally ask the Universe to return the cat home. May he return safe and sound. The candle should burn completely, without cinder.
- Leave a glass of water in front of the front door, say the following words: 'To my house, to my threshold.' At this moment, imagine in maximum detail how the lost kitty enters your house.
- Tie the 4 legs of the dining table with tape or twine to form a rectangle. Now it remains to wait for the good news.
- Holding a lit candle by the open window, shout loudly: 'Smoke mountain, (cat's nickname) home!'
Most people feel guilty when a cat goes missing. But there is no need to indulge in despondency, engage in self-criticism. Remember the happy time, joint games, mentally thank your pet for faithful service. Keep hoping the live cat will definitely return!