Why do cockroaches appear in an apartment – signs about unpleasant neighbors

Today, cockroaches cause extremely unpleasant emotions, but our ancestors believed otherwise. In the old days, such a neighborhood was considered favorable, as this indicated that prosperity reigns in the house. cockroaches in the apartment Cockroaches cause extremely unpleasant emotions

However, in order to understand why cockroaches appear in the apartment, you need to pay attention to the color of the insects – in this case, the omen will give the most accurate explanation.

Why do they appear in the house, apartment?

Signs about black, red and white cockroaches are very different from each other, and future events will depend on the color of the insect.


The arrival of black cockroaches in the house was previously considered a huge success. Moreover, no one tried to destroy them or drive them out in any way. On the contrary, insects were fed with crumbs from the table so that they reproduce and multiply. And there were several explanations for this.

  1. According to a common belief, black cockroaches are a symbol of wealth, material wealth, prosperity.
  2. It is believed that these insects bring peace, peace and well-being with them to the house.
  3. Black insects are a protector, amulet. There is a belief that this insect is able to protect the hearth not only from ill-wishers, but also from evil spirits, evil spirits.
  4. People say that when black insects appear in an apartment, this promises to get rid of problems. But if they suddenly disappear – expect misfortune.
  5. According to another sign, the arrival of black cockroaches promises a meeting with a reliable friend. This is a person with a high position in society who will provide the family with financial assistance and support in difficult situations.
  6. If you spot black cockroaches in your kitchen, that's also a good sign. The sign promises big profits, big money.
    According to another belief, black cockroaches help change the microclimate in the house for the better, which prevents the occurrence of quarrels and various conflict situations.
  7. One large black cockroach has appeared in the apartment – the head of the family is waiting for career advancement. And this will certainly lead to an increase in income.

A bad sign is a situation when you find dead insects in your house or crushed them by negligence. This situation is a harbinger of losses, losses, big problems in the financial sector.

see a cockroach A bad sign is a situation when you find dead insects in your house or crushed them by negligence


If red cockroaches appear in the house, then the omen in this case does not bode well.

  • Noticing the Prussians in the apartment means quarrels and major troubles.
  • The people say that red cockroaches come to those houses in which negative energy reigns. Now you need to reconsider your behavior and try to correct the situation. As soon as you begin to be more tolerant of the rest of the household, unpleasant guests will leave on their own.
  • Popular beliefs also mention that red insects bring diseases with them.
  • Another sign promises bankruptcy. Perhaps you lose your job, or the person who borrowed from you disappears without repaying a large debt.
  • The people also believe that the appearance of red cockroaches is associated with the targeting of damage to your house.
  • Accidentally crushing a red cockroach – eliminate obstacles that have arisen on the path of life.
  • Have you noticed a Prusak in the bathroom – you will be drawn into some dubious business, and this scam will bring many problems.


If white cockroaches came to the house, this indicated that the next winter would be snowy and frosty. Such a sign made people prepare in advance for bad weather and insulate their homes.

cockroach in the house Have noticed a cockroach in the bathroom – you will be involved in some dubious business

Show up at work

If you notice these insects in your office, then this may mean the following:

  1. Blacks promise the company prosperity, and those who work in it – the payment of bonuses.
  2. The arrival of the Prussians is a bad sign. You may be reprimanded by management.

Saw in bed

These insects may well get to your bedroom. Here you don't even need to refer to the signs. Seeing a cockroach in this room means only one thing – it's time to stop eating in bed.

But at the same time, when an insect falls from the ceiling onto a patient lying in bed, it is a very bad sign. This situation, according to popular beliefs, promises a long recovery process. The patient will not get to his feet for a long time.

Signs about cockroaches have different meanings. But even if some of them promise wealth, then this is not a call to specially breed insects in your home. Remember that no superstition will protect you from infections carried by parasites. Keep it clean and take care of your health.

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