The sign of mice in the house dates back to the times when people lived in wooden huts. Furry guests ran into such buildings very often, and the people formed an opinion regarding one or another of their behavior. Among the superstitions there are good and bad, talking about upcoming events, the state of health of the owners and about material well-being.
Why mice appear in the house: signs
A common omen is that mice wind up in an apartment for good luck. But only when she is alone. This means the appearance of the keeper of the home. However, when there are many uninvited guests, expect a lot of trouble.
Let's consider other interpretations.
- If your life as a whole is going well, then with the arrival of mice, be prepared for the appearance of an ill-wisher. Someone envies you and wants evil because of this.
- Other signs suggest that mice appear in the homes of bad owners. And the explanation is quite logical – when a person is sloppy in all respects (both in communication and in housekeeping), he attracts problems.
- Superstitions about the arrival of a furry guest speak of an imminent receipt of good news – for example, one mouse brings the news of an imminent replenishment in the family.
Find in a house or apartment
To get a more accurate meaning of the signs, it is not enough to find long-tailed guests – they are worth observing.
- When the rodents are actively scurrying around the house and at the same time squealing, a betrothed will soon knock on the door of an unmarried girl or matchmakers will come. Moreover, if the fuss under the floor is getting louder, this is a clear sign that a wedding is being planned, and therefore get ready for a magnificent celebration.
- If you notice that the mice have built a nest and drag various food supplies into it, this promises material well-being. Therefore, you can safely plan the purchase of a thing that you have long liked. And in order for the omen to come true, you should not chase away the rodents, on the contrary, share bread and grain with them.
- A real invasion of furry guests does not bode well. In this case, the house is threatened with ruin or one of the tenants will become seriously ill.
- If any product is stored in the apartment, and the mice have damaged its packaging, be sure that you can sell it with maximum profit.
- A distinct squeak of mice behind the patient's bed is considered a bad sign. The sign says that recovery is not expected, and soon this person may die. The omen becomes especially clear when the mouse runs right over the body.
- The mice climbed onto the table and eat the leftovers from the supper – the owner will soon have a toothache. Here you should remember this: there is an ancient omen, which says that in order to neutralize the omen, it is necessary to finish eating what the long-tailed guest has not eaten. Do not do this under any circumstances! Otherwise, health problems cannot be avoided!
- If a rodent suddenly falls into milk – unfortunately. And when you pour out a spoiled product, and it ends up on the table, troubles and illnesses will pursue all family members literally at every step.
- Heard that the rodent is scratching from behind the wall, trying to get into the room – it attracts trouble; when it scratches the wall outside, it takes the negative away from the house.
- Taking out linen or clothes from the closet, they noticed that the shaggy guests had spoiled it badly – you expect failure in business. And the more holes there are on things, the more serious the danger.
- Mice gnaw furniture – troubles lie in wait for everyone living in the house.
I ran from the street to the house
If you see a mouse running into the house from the street, beware – caution will not hurt now. And when she crosses the road at the same time, carefully monitor your spending and wallet. After such an event, the signs promise the intrigues of intruders.
There are many rodents that have settled in the yard and look at the house – to a meager harvest. If they decided to settle in a chamber with supplies, began to eat them or actively destroy hay in the barn, then this promises poverty.
When mice start to run into the house more and more often with the arrival of autumn, the old folk beliefs interpret this as a move. One of the family members can change their place of residence, or all at once. At the same time, the sign promises that the new house will be much better than the old one.
If we turn to modern signs, then their meaning in this regard is different – one of those living in the house / apartment will soon go on the road. It can be a business trip or a vacation trip.
It is good when a mouse runs into a house in which there is wealth – the rodents feel that there they will definitely not need either food or warmth. And this behavior promises stability in the financial sector.
Dead mouse
- According to popular belief, mice die only in those houses where a negative atmosphere reigns. And if you find a dead rodent in your apartment, try to be more careful in everyday life.
- When a woman finds a dead mouse, her troubles can lie in wait both at home and at work.
- Another sign associates such a finding with a disease, and its course will be very difficult.
- There is also a good interpretation – a dead mouse found in a shoe takes away everything bad from the house, and brings good luck and success to the owner.
- Big trouble will lie in wait for the tenant of the house if the dead rodent they find turns out to be white. And the situation will turn into a real disaster if you are directly to blame for her death: a man is promised a long period of failures in all spheres, a woman – a rout in the household.
How to get rid of mice in folk ways
Some folk methods turn out to be very cruel – with their help you do not scare away rodents, but destroy them. Listen to the superstition that killing mice will put you in trouble, and use harmless means.
- Long-tailed guests do not like the smell of mothballs very much. It should be spread out around the perimeter of the room and pushed directly into the holes found. The mice will smell the scent and leave.
- Rodents are frightened by the rich smell of essential oils. The product must be moistened with pieces of cloth or cotton wool and left in the habitats of furry neighbors.
- Herbs show high efficiency in the fight against mice: wormwood, peppermint, hazel grouse, black root, marsh wild rosemary, elderberry. They are used fresh, spreading bunches of plants in the corners.
Signs say that it is better to drive the mice out of the house on Easter holidays, and after they leave, peel the holy eggs and leave pieces of the shell in each room. In this case, the rodents will definitely not return.
If a mouse suddenly appears in a house or apartment, do not rush to kill it – after all, it just brought news. And whatever the interpretation of the signs, you still win, since now you can influence further events or how to prepare for them.