Why do people say that you cannot sweep crumbs off the table with your hand?

In hard times of hunger, there was never any bread crumbs left on the table; people did not throw them away, but carefully collected them in the palm and finished them off. As a result, a sign has developed, according to which, brushing away the remnants of bread, a person shows that now he has a difficult time, a lack of money. And even if on the whole life is going well, such an action can significantly worsen the course of affairs. why you can't sweep crumbs off the table with your hand Sweeping crumbs can lead to unforeseen troubles and misfortunes.

Why can't you do this?

  • Sweeping away crumbs / debris with your hand or tissue can lead to unforeseen troubles and misfortunes. A person will become the object of unpleasant rumors and slander. In order for these troubles to bypass you, you need to gently rake the crumbs into your hand and put them in your mouth. This will protect you from all kinds of misfortunes and crises.
  • The omen also has another interpretation: the remnants of bread potentially contain the energy of the masculine and feminine principles, and if you carelessly wash them with your hand, it means that you reduce this force in yourself.
  • Many types of setbacks and losses are possible: worsening financial situation, bankruptcy, quarrels and scandals in the family.
  • For the fair sex, a sign speaks of the likelihood of being left without a soul mate for many years, or fate will give an ugly husband. In addition, by sweeping away the crumbs, the girl attracts conflicts with her mother-in-law.
  • Even a man cannot sweep bread crumbs off the table with his hand: for him it is fraught with a decrease in income. Job loss is possible.
  • Bread swept away and thrown away can 'punish' the culprit for disrespect for himself and for the labor expended in making it.
  • There are also interesting interpretations, according to which it is impossible to sweep bread crumbs even with a sleeve: this can lead to an early damage to clothes. And swiping under the table (on the floor) will deprive you of luck, good luck in business and well-being in family life.

If you do this in a dream, you should expect a bad mood and a decrease in your own self-esteem.

In addition, you should not leave leftover bread after dinner until the morning. This can lead to illness, poor health, failure. Only gentle and careful cleaning will protect you from adversity. In order for failures to bypass you, you need to sweep the crumbs with a rag onto a plate or other dish and not throw them away, but, for example, feed them to birds or animals.

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