Why does a black cat cross the road from right to left?

Among folk signs, there are many that have a double meaning. For example, a black cat crossed the road from right to left – this superstition changes its interpretation depending on who is walking along the road: if a woman, troubles await her, if a man – money 'asks' to his pocket.

If the cat crosses the road on the contrary (from left to right), then the meaning of the omen becomes the opposite.

black cat runs across the road

Origin of signs

If a black cat crosses the road, rarely a person will calmly continue on his way. The fact is that the image of a black cat has a strong negative load:

  • A cat is the personification of aggression, deceit (she is able to bring a snake into the house, even if it shows signs of life). She has narrowing and luminous eyes like the moon and smooth demeanor.
  • Black is a symbol of mourning, death, evil, misfortune.

Therefore, all the superstitions and omens appeared that enroll these beautiful predators as servants of Satan.

Opinion about the black cat of people who lived in different eras:

  1. Ancient Egypt. A cat, including a black one, is the embodiment of the goddess Bastet (a woman with a cat's head), a symbol of fertility, female beauty, happiness. In practice, these animals protected the owners from the invasion of rodents. A meeting with a purr who crossed the path of an Egyptian promised prosperity, good luck, increased wealth, peace in the family.
  2. Greece. Cats were portrayed next to the goddess of the hunt Artemis. The Greeks spread them in Europe, revered this animal for hunting talents.
  3. Middle Ages. It was during this time that bad superstitions emerged. A black cat is a creature that a witch moves into at night in order to send a crop failure, an epidemic. The church enlisted this animal as an assistant of Satan, who monitors the world around him, and informs the sovereign about human weaknesses through which one can influence the human soul. Meeting with a black cat (especially in the dark) foreshadowed illness or death.
  4. Society of Slavs. A black cat is an animal that the devil reincarnated in order to confuse the traveler and put him on the right path. The essence of the omen: the guardian angel prompts a person to get to the goal faster and safer, and a demon in a feline guise runs across the road so that the poor fellow in absentmindedness would go a different way and get lost.
  5. England (after the French Revolution). The cat is a symbol of Protestants.

In the minds of contemporaries, a black cat crossing the road promises trouble.

In any case, at all times and among all peoples, black cats were associated with mysticism, endowed with supernatural strength.

Bad and good omens about black cats

There are many good signs about these animals, but it is definitely considered a bad omen:

  1. The cat runs in front of the car from left to right (most of the drivers are men).
  2. The cat walking across the road sat down halfway.
  3. The animal turned to the side.
  4. Purr walks alongside, and then runs across the road – the trouble will not happen immediately, but with a delay. If the animal leaves to the side, misfortune can be avoided.
  5. Looks straight in the eyes – portends minor troubles.
  6. Crossing the road with a mouse in his teeth from left to right – will bring big trouble even to a woman.

Good omens:

  • A black cat next to a pregnant woman is an omen of the birth of a child with the gift of a magician.
  • A cat of the color of darkness licks its lips when looking at a person – this means that he did not get into a scandal in which he was supposed to be the main character.
  • An alien anthracite cat sits on the doorstep in the absence of the owners – trouble awaits a person at home.
  • Gave a black cat – they want to help rid the house of negative energy. This animal will protect the inhabitants from evil people and evil spirits.
  • A grimy cat on a ship – protected the ship from death at sea (a sign from the Vikings).

And if you are interested in what the black cat came to the house, then this event means an impending great love.

Why does a black cat cross the road

What to do to avoid unpleasant consequences from a cat crossing the road?

The easiest way to protect yourself from problems after encountering a 'charming threat' is to return home or take a different route. There is another method for those who are in no hurry. You can wait for a passer-by, and let him pass in front of you (it is desirable that the one in front was of the opposite sex to you).

If the purr runs across the road in an undesirable direction for you, you can go further after carrying out protective rituals:

  • Complete the road section 'back to front'. So you can confuse evil spirits and stay safe.
  • Cross your index and middle fingers on two hands. The cross is the most powerful weapon in the fight against evil spirits.
  • Break a dry branch or stick in half, say the words:
    Holding the wreckage in your hands, overcome the problematic section of the road.
  • Spit over the left shoulder 3 times, rotate 360 ​​degrees. So, you can also deceive the devil, who decides that you refused to go on the 'closed' road.
  • If a black cat crosses the road to pass through this place, you need to clearly say to yourself:
    Why does a black cat cross the road from right to left?

After completing any of these actions, you can safely walk along the road. If you do not memorize the words recommended in the rituals, pray briefly from the heart, as best you can.

You should not offend a purr who has crossed the road, she is just a warning of danger.

Protection is required not from the animal, but from the dark forces. Moreover, the cat predicts trouble only if it crosses the road. When a representative of the feline family came out to meet you, this is a harbinger of unexpected joy.

If you want to protect yourself from evil, you need to perceive the black cat not as a symbol of misfortune, but as an animal in a hurry about its business. Kind thoughts always attract good people and happy events.

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