The dove is a bird of peace and happiness. Folk omens associated with this animal can both warn of danger and bring happiness. Everything will depend on many circumstances.
Dove touched its wing
It is believed that if a wing touches a person, it means that failures and troubles await. But only this omen does not apply to pigeons. These birds bring goodness and happiness, and the person who is touched is surrounded by good and clean energy.
The dove touched the face with its wing – this sign carries only a positive meaning. This is a symbol of being chosen. In this way, the Higher Forces send blessings to a person. This is especially true if a wild pigeon has touched it. This promises material benefits, a win, a large inheritance.
In the Middle East, these birds were considered the souls of kind and bright people. And another sign is connected with this. If a pigeon not only touched its face with its wing, but also marked it, such a sign symbolizes the addition to the family.
The symbol of peace and happiness will not even fly close to a bad person. And if a pigeon touched its head with its wing, it means that you are a good and bright person. God loves you and in the near future expect success and good luck in all matters.
This sign seems to indicate a 'green light'. Soon, a streak of luck awaits a person. Plans and dreams will soon come true. And if there are none, then quickly guess before the bird has flown away far.
Meeting details
It turns out that when interpreting folk signs, you need to pay attention to the details. Remember what you were thinking at that moment, what thoughts disturbed you. So, if you thought:
- about money – profit awaits,
- about the second half – she loves you or will soon meet her,
- about work – a career will go uphill,
- about family – peace and love will reign.
On rare occasions, a pigeon striking a person with a wing carries bad news. This applies to those cases when the bird is negative, aggressive, behaved strangely and incomprehensibly. Rather, in this way, she wanted to warn of the danger.
Why do pigeons sit on their heads, shoulders, arms and other body parts
Of course, poultry happily fly to the owners, and there is no mysticism in this. Another thing is if a wild pigeon suddenly sits on its head, shoulder or arm. And if he walks over a person, it means that he definitely wants to communicate something. This behavior of the bird suggests that the time has come for decisive action.
So, if sits down:
- on hand – good news,
- on the shoulder – promotion,
- on the chest – good luck in love.
Wherever the 'bird of peace' lands, it promises a person happiness and joy. And in general, it all depends on what a person lacks. For example, for an unmarried girl, a sign promises a quick wedding or a fateful acquaintance. If you are walking with your couple in the park, and the pigeon is circling around and touching its wings, then you are suitable for each other and you have a bright future.
Sometimes, a bird flies by and carries a twig or feather in its beak. This is another sign that symbolizes financial well-being. Moreover, the profit will float into your hands, without any effort.
Summing up, we can say that if a pigeon touches its face or other part of the body with its wing, this is an excellent omen. And remember that superstition only works if you don't do anything specifically for it.