Since ancient times, people have deified the natural world, endowing its inhabitants with supernatural abilities. The behavior of animals was attributed to a connection with a series of events taking place in human daily life. However, the tree of various signs was first overgrown with those of the animals that succumbed to domestication, and only then the human gaze turned to their forest counterparts. A hare that ran across the road along the path of a wedding cortege often portends conflicts in family life
No less curious is the meeting with the hare, which invariably served as a source of food and entertainment for the feudal lords, who were fortunate enough to have a forest on the territory of their estate.
As in the case of many other animals, a meeting with a hare can promise either the goodwill of fortune, or its departure for a long time:
- If you meet a person running across a forest path, you should first of all make out his color. If his coat is white, it means that, as the hare feels the coming of cold weather, fate promises you a series of failures. But if the animal was dark in color, this is a sign of the mercy of fortune. A gray hare promises an early fulfillment of a cherished desire.
- If met at the exit from the dwelling, our ancestors would say that this is a clear sign of the imminent death of a loved one.
- If you happen to see a hare on the road, not far from the settlement where you live, you should beware of a possible fire. So, there is a reason to check the wiring and all electrical appliances in the house.
- A hare that ran across the road along the path of a wedding cortege often portends conflicts in family life and the subsequent speedy divorce.
- Another nuisance may be the meeting of a pregnant woman with a hare, because she predicts a serious injury to the future baby, popularly called a hare lip.
Believe in superstition or not, everyone must decide for himself, but blaming this cute animal for all the failures is highly wrong. In the end, if all meetings with the scythe led to a shaft of trouble, there would definitely be no hunters in the world. Do not forget about the magic of the 'rabbit's foot' talisman, which is revered by most peoples as the main source of good luck.