Why is it difficult for us to contact aliens?

A photo from open sources

About 3,000 can exist within the Milky Way civilizations like the earthly but vast distances dividing brothers in mind make contacts very problematic. Doctor Discovery News’s Ian O’Neill talked about measures undertaken by scientists to discover life in other worlds. Space Telescope Data Collected by NASA Researchers Kepler and other observatories indicate that the Earth is one of more than 40 billion planets in our galaxy, potentially livable, similar to earthly. Dimensions the parts of the Universe we are observing are almost impossible – she’s just huge. As for our galaxy, the Milky Way, it has a size of 100,000 light-years in diameter. Ray light at a speed of 300 thousand km per second will move more than 4 years before it reaches the closest star system to us Alpha Centauri. The path of light along the axis of the Galaxy will take more than 100,000 years. Photos from open sources

But where are other civilizations? Scientists are absolutely convinced of their existence, despite the fact that they still do not detected. What separates us from contact with an alien civilization? “On average within the Milky Way civilization 1000 light-years apart – certainly a great distance. For making contact, civilizations will need to double that number. In addition, distant worlds to be able to communicate between themselves, should be located in a time period of several thousand years, “says Michael Garrett, head of the Dutch Astronomical Research Foundation ASTRON.

A photo from open sources We don’t really know the duration of the existence of intelligent civilizations. Only available sample is Earth. Analysis shows the possibility of nucleation life, as soon as the optimal environmental conditions, whereas intelligent life arises relatively late. “We can say that intelligent life is only a fraction of the entire long evolution life on the planet, ”Garrett says,“ I don’t want to be a pessimist, but we can conclude that the signals from distant planets The Milky Way will be extremely rare. ”

Galaxy Milky Way Life

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