Why is the bird beating out the window?

Since ancient times, the appearance of birds has been associated with news from departed relatives. And for the most part, such signs predicted trouble. But not all interpretations are negative, and if we talk about why the bird is beating through the window, then superstitious people recommend paying attention to its size, color and subsequent behavior.

why does the bird fight through the window

Why is the bird beating against the window?

People say that if a bird beats out the window, it warns of an impending disaster – a messenger from the world of the dead wants to take one of the inhabitants of the house. And this is due to the fact that earlier the dead were carried out through the window. In such a situation, it is recommended to feed the guest and say the following words: 'Come for food, do not come for your soul.'

If the bird hit the glass only once and immediately flew away, then this is a good sign. She reports that loved ones (dead or alive) remember you.

Perhaps you have not visited your relatives for a long time or forgot to visit the burial place of those who left on the last memorial day. But when a feathered bird leaves feathers or a crack on the glass after being hit, it will not bring good.

If the bird, hitting the window, remains and continues to knock, then soon an unmarried girl living in this house will find her happiness and create a family. Moreover, for single guys this sign is empty.

bird beats out the window

The bird crashed on glass

A very bad omen is when the birds beat through the window and fall dead. This is a clear signal of the death of one of the inhabitants of the house or their close relative. In addition, such behavior of birds sometimes indicates the approach of a natural cataclysm.

There is another belief according to which a bird shattered on glass portends a meeting with friends. And the larger it turns out to be, the more fun the feast will be.

If you are very worried about the first interpretation, then remember that you can try to take it away – invite a couple of close friends to your place and organize the holiday yourself. Thus, it will be possible to fulfill the second sign.

Interpretation of signs depending on the type of bird

If the bird that beats out the window is small, for example, a sparrow, then this is a warning of a serious illness, possibly, again, of death.

A dark feathery knocks on the glass – listen to your inner feelings. And if you suddenly feel anxious, be sure to call your loved ones and inquire about their state of health. As a rule, the person whose name you remember in the first place will need help.
But even here there may be options, since each specific bird promises certain events.

the bird beats out the window


This bird usually brings news.

  • If someone recently fell ill, then a forty knock on the window notifies of recovery. A visit from close friends with whom you have not seen for a very long time is possible.
  • When the bird beats and chirps at the same time, get ready to meet an unpleasant person who loves to gossip. But do not be discouraged, as it will be possible to end this communication rather quickly.
  • If the magpie behaves obtrusively and knocks continuously, the news will be sad.


  • By the word, if a pigeon beats through the window, it means that the soul of a deceased relative or a good friend came with a warning.
  • This behavior of the bird may also indicate that close people will soon appear on the doorstep.
  • If a pigeon knocks on the glass in the afternoon, troubles await, which will result in great grief.

In this situation, you should not drive the bird away. To appease the world of the dead, feed the messenger. And also treat pigeons with bread at the nearest church.


The sign of a wagtail banging out a window is controversial. There are three interpretations:

  • If a white wagtail knocks on the glass, it is a symbol of resentment and quarrels with loved ones.
  • This same bird brings trouble to pregnant women.
  • Feathered, painted in bright colors, is considered a messenger of joy and fun.


When a crow is beating through the window, it's a bad omen. The bird wants to inform about the approach of bad events, about the trouble that is about to happen.


  • Ancient beliefs claim that the titmouse brings joy, luck and happiness to the house. And if she suddenly knocked on your window – wait for good news.
  • For a lonely person, such an incident means positive changes – soon he will meet his soul mate.
  • If a titmouse beats out the window, then a long-awaited replenishment may soon occur in this family.
  • Another sign promises an increase in income and, as a result, material wealth or a good harvest.
  • Some beliefs claim that the titmouse, like other birds, is the personification of a deceased person, whose soul returned to this world to take with it one of your loved ones.

why do birds beat out the window

Ways to neutralize negativity

In order to ward off the negative, the Slavs began to cleanse the house. They carried out a thorough cleaning of dust and dirt, after which they walked around the rooms with a candle and read a prayer. Plus, it was recommended to go to church and pray while looking at the holy icon.

There is another way to neutralize bad omens. It is necessary to take all the little things out of the house and leave them at the intersection. It is desirable that the youngest member of the family do this, but at the same time he must be over seven years old.

Leaving the money, he utters such a conspiracy: 'Trouble, take the mercy, don't follow us on our heels, don't bother anyone, go your own way.' You should return home, looking strictly in front of you and not saying a single word.

To divert the prophecy brought by the crow, you can also call on a brownie for help. For three days, in the corner, where, as it is believed, he lives, they leave a tasty treat and say: 'Brownie, hostess, protect my house, family, take away trouble. Here's a treat for you, and give us consolation. '

In fact, it is quite difficult to determine where the bird is beating at the window. Here, the current state of affairs is of no small importance: if someone is sick at the moment, then after the appearance of the feathered messenger, you should be especially careful about your health.

At the same time, try to think less about bad signs, and you should not tell anyone about them. And it is definitely not worth it to lament when it comes to unpleasant omens.

Try to adequately assess what is happening, and if everything in life is going smoothly, and loved ones are healthy, then just forget about what happened. After all, a bird can simply get hungry, especially if it is a city dweller.

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