Why is the Chinese rose called the flower of death?

The Chinese rose, or hibiscus, has received not the most pleasant nickname among the people. This plant is called the flower of death, and superstitious people attribute various mystical properties to it. But he does not always bring trouble to the house – some signs about the Chinese rose have a positive interpretation and portend a favorable turn of fate.

chinese rose flower of death why

Why is the Chinese rose considered the flower of death?

The Chinese rose is popularly considered a symbol of death. According to legends, if a plant begins to bloom, then this suggests that someone will die in the house. But this interpretation applies only to those cases when the hibiscus blooms unexpectedly – earlier than usual. There are other signs as well.

When the Chinese rose flowers wither

Many people believe that if a plant's flowering is associated with trouble, then its wilting becomes a good sign. But this is not the case. If you notice that the Chinese rose has begun to shed its leaves, then this is also not good – this behavior of the flower becomes a signal for the development of a serious illness in someone living in the house.

It is worth noting that the disease often proceeds quietly, without pronounced symptoms. And if you notice that the hibiscus suddenly began to wither, the omen advises you to pay attention to your well-being; it will be far from superfluous to undergo additional examination.

In addition, superstitious people say that when a hibiscus loses its leaves, it does not get enough nutrition. And in order not to weaken, it begins to draw energy from the tenants of the apartment. During this period, the owners may feel weak, tired, unwilling to do anything.

This belief has another interpretation – if a Chinese rose suddenly began to lose its leaves – this suggests that it absorbed all the negativity present in the house, and in this way took the trouble away from the owners.

chinese rose why not keep at home

What happens if hibiscus blooms on time?

The flowering of the Chinese rose in the house is associated with signs not only with death. But even when she produces flowers in a timely manner, things to come can be both good and bad.

  • For unmarried women, this is a positive sign. According to popular beliefs, the girl will soon meet a soul mate.
  • If the plant has bloomed in the house of a married woman, then this portends disagreements in the family and quarrels. Feelings between spouses will begin to fade, which can lead to separation.
  • Other beliefs say that the flowering of the Chinese rose brings happiness to the house. If the spouses have lived together long enough, then old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. Replenishment in the family is possible. The dying flame of love will ignite again.

Can you keep a Chinese rose at home?

As you can see, the signs about this plant are quite contradictory, which makes it quite difficult to determine whether it is possible to keep a Chinese rose at home. Let's consider a few more interpretations that will help clarify the situation.

  1. The Chinese rose is called not only the flower of death. His other nickname is muzhegon. So he was christened for his ability to bring on the crown of celibacy. Signs say that this plant drives men out of the house in which it grows.
  2. Hibiscus is able to bring resentment and misunderstanding into the family life of spouses, regardless of whether it blooms or not.
  3. This plant can affect the personal life of young girls in a negative way. They say that with his appearance in the house, the young lady will not be able to build strong relationships. Dating is quite possible, but they will not entail anything serious.
  4. Other signs speak of the positive influence of this flower on personal life. So, a girl who will carefully look after this controversial flower will gain good health and become very attractive to the opposite sex. In this case, the attention of men is guaranteed to her.
  5. If you still have not decided whether it is possible to keep a Chinese rose in an apartment, then you should pay attention to one more belief. It says that this flower has the ability to charge the atmosphere with a positive and bring the energy of movement. This is due to the fact that this plant was born under the sign of Leo (the element of Fire) and is endowed with a strong masculine principle. Therefore, hibiscus loves bright light, from where it draws energy, and shares it with everyone around.
  6. The Chinese rose becomes a source of creativity. If you take good care of her, she will absorb the energy of laziness and transform it into useful action. Therefore, according to popular beliefs, it is advisable to take care of sluggish passive people who want to change their lives in its cultivation. Hibiscus will actively nourish them with energy and provoke new achievements.

It is recommended to keep the Chinese rose in the house if you have low blood pressure or are diagnosed with heart disease.

There are a lot of negative signs about the Chinese rose, as its nicknames eloquently speak. However, at the same time, many owners of the plant live quite happily and enjoy the beauty every day no matter what.

The main thing is not to pay attention to negative interpretations, because it is thoughts that create our reality. Remember this, and let nothing get in the way of enjoying life to the fullest.

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