Why it is impossible to keep shells in the house: folk signs about the influence of a souvenir

Buying seashells as a souvenir, many do not even realize that keeping them in the house is a bad omen. What is the reason for this belief? And is it possible to prevent their negative impact on the indoor atmosphere? why you can't keep shells at home A shell is a house left over from a dead mollusc, respectively, such an object is a magnet for negative energy

Why can't shells be kept at home?

Superstitious people tend to think that it is better not to keep shells in the house, and there are several reasons for this.

  1. A shell is a house left over from a dead mollusk, respectively, such an object is a magnet for negative energy. Being in an apartment, he will attract only bad events: suddenly there will be problems at work, sadness and pain will come to the house.
  2. Saturating the room with negative, seashells attract diseases to the house. Moreover, health problems can arise in all family members. According to legend, the souvenir impairs the work of the cardiovascular system, provoking the development of diseases such as tachycardia, hypertension, varicose veins.
  3. Closed shells can bring the greatest amount of trouble. In many cultures, they are associated with the completion of earthly life, domina.

People say that the negative that comes from seashells can destroy the favorable aura in the house. Therefore, it is better to put them in those rooms where you rarely visit: in the pantry, in the attic or on the balcony.

Signs of a beneficial effect

However, not all signs are so categorical. For a long time people believed that in shells there is a force that can protect a person from accidents and other misfortunes. It is for this reason that fishermen, before sailing out to sea, made amulets for themselves from sea shells.

Based on ancient beliefs, people have added several signs that have not lost their relevance today.

  • Keeping seashells at home is not only possible, but also necessary, since they bring happiness and good luck. By placing a souvenir on the desktop, a person will reach heights in his career, in the financial sphere and respect in the team.
  • Small souvenirs protect you from the evil eye. It is enough to hang such a bracelet on your wrist or simply place several units in the hallway, and energy vampires will not be able to harm your home.
  • While in an apartment, seashells will attract well-being and success. And when their bedroom is located, harmony is achieved in intimate relationships between spouses.

According to the signs, they can be used to decorate various products. They are used to decorate frames for photographs, mirrors, paintings, panels and even inlaid furniture.

How to neutralize the effect of bad omens?

Let's start with the fact that the shell bears negative only if the shell leaves it against its will. And if its inner surface has an intense red tint, it means that the owner was removed from there forcibly: by dipping the sink into boiling water. It is better to refuse such a purchase.

The shells of mollusks are not always obtained in a barbaric way. Many of them leave the owners on their own, and such souvenirs are incapable of harm, as they are considered 'clean'.

Then, when you come home, dip the purchased shell in salted water and hold it for several hours. This procedure will help to draw out the negative from the item, which was accumulated during your stay on the store counter.

And the last condition: during storage, the funnel of the shell must be closed. Here, everyone decides for himself what to do. You can turn the souvenir upside down or fill it with small items: buttons, pebbles, coins. In this case, the mollusk house will no longer be able to absorb positive energy and will perform only one function – a decorative element.

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