Photo from open sources
This was noticed by some ufologists who, having received in the middle of this month, another gift from NASA – a photograph, made by a Curiosity rover with a suspicious UFO on the horizon, suddenly puzzled: why on the Red Planet they never fly classic “flying saucers”, and all some kind of fancy apparatuses?
See for yourself the picture, and then the video, kindly made for you to better understand what is happening. UFO in this case has some kind of strange form of a child’s boat that “hung” in Martian sky. But this is not a disk or even familiar to earthlings “cigar”. For example, the famous Taiwanese ufologist Waring right there remembered that he saw dozens of UFOs on Mars, even in the form of lights and balls, but never saw a “flying saucer.”
Of course, this may be an accident, some say. researchers, but the coincidence in this case is very suspicious, although it has no explanation. It’s necessary, says Waring, yet times carefully view all the pictures from Mars and analyze them for this riddle. We don’t even know that behind this is hiding. What if something important? ..
But is today’s statement by ufologists true? For instance, virtual archaeologists in one of the pictures taken by the MGS probe (Mars Global Surve) back in 2000, discovered in due time a wrecked alien ship that looked exactly like disc-shaped “flying saucer”. About this you can see the material even on our site – Really tireless and all-knowing Scott Waring doesn’t know or doesn’t remember that? ..
A photo from open sources
Mars Scott Waring