Wikileaks: There is a secret war with UFOs in Antarctica

A photo from open sources

During the last appearance of UFOs from the water, 40 were killed human. Anticipating the New Release of Leaks, Julian Assange reported that they would relate to UFO related materials writes ufodigest. So recently, Wikileaks posts contained allegations that the US military may be in secret war with UFOs. According to sources, Command space forces announced an alarm in connection with the advent of large flotilla of UFOs that rose into the air from the bottom of the southern seas in Antarctica. This armada of unknown objects headed towards Guadalajara, Mexico.

A photo from open sources the US deployed military aircraft and activated all radars for incoming targets. After that, supposedly numerous flotilla organized sank to the bottom Antarctic Ocean. The incident occurred on June 10, 2004. Recently another massive appearance of unknowns was recorded objects that were heading to the southern tip of South America and flying over Chile. Experts say the immediate threat these many huge objects create when they arise from under water, resulting in the formation of dangerous waves. They are able to interfere with ocean traffic and flood freight and others court. The most recent appearance of the UFO armada from the Antarctic ocean led to the fact that one ship with 160 people on board almost turned over, and another with a crew of 60 people was overturned. Only 20 people were saved, and they survived

Antarctica War Water

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