Witnesses shoot UFOs in photos and videos unprofessionally

Witnesses shoot UFOs in photos and videos unprofessionallyA photo from open sources

As a rule, unidentified flying objects are removed by eyewitnesses, moreover, not on professional video equipment, but more often on cameras of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Naturally, the quality of such a shooting wants to be the best from the point of view the point of view of technology, and from the standpoint of unprofessionalism itself amateur operator.

Glowing UFO recorded on video in Norway

For example, the video below captures quite interesting UFO flying over the Norwegian port city of Harstad. The author accidentally saw a strange object in the sky, when simply admiring the clouds from the balcony. The guy was at first confused when I realized that this is not a drone, and for some time just looked at it “miracle”, then ran for a smartphone and began to shoot UFOs.

But the trouble is, as the commentary to this video writes. renowned ufologist Scott Waring, an alien apparatus, tells us Norwegian, quickly moved over the mountain, then decreased, changed backlight colors from red to green and then faded behind the house. Yes, most likely, as the author of the video suggests, the device then went under water. But why does the operator stand still and not is moving? If he was a professional, then we could see more high-quality UFO flight, and capture the moment it enters the sea. A so … Almost little is seen and understood, a similar video is of interest only to such professionals, like me, and nothing more.

Malaysian square UFO hit the video

Better material about UFO posted by a resident of the capital Malaysia. Above his home in Kuala Lumpur, at an altitude of approximately flight of a passenger airliner, a strange dark suddenly appeared the object that the man first mistook for a bird. But the object flew very high and, moreover, without wings, and he was too big for feathered.

When the Malaysian realized this, he quickly took out Iphon and became shoot a UFO. He soon realized that the flying apparatus was square and that amazingly, he moves in the sky with absolutely no sound. Since over Kuala Lump planes and others fly constantly terrestrial air vehicles, the man had something to compare, and he I am sure that the object he shot is of unearthly origin. With this all his friends agreed to whom he showed the video.

UFO on the background of the sun

The SOHO spacecraft watching our luminary recorded another strange unidentified object against the background of the Sun – now with wings. This image was found and posted on YouTube hosting user under the name Streetcap1.

Scott Waring commented on this interesting find. By in his opinion, these are just huge long console devices aliens, which, of course, seem to us to be wings. Famous the ufologist also noticed that UFOs often appear against the background of the Sun, it is against the background, and not next to the star, which makes the skeptics vomit the roof, and they exclaim – this cannot be!

Scott also clarified why NASA does not respond to all these seemingly irrefutable evidence of presence in our solar system and near Earth alien ships. It’s not profitable for them, because now they have information not available earthlings, which allows them to be leaders in the development of other worlds. AND Americans do not want to lose this leading position. I, Waring writes, I continue to contact NASA for every interesting occasion, concerning UFOs, aliens, Martian chronicles, but they ignore my letters. And this is a “winged UFO” they do not commented. But such an object can not be space junk …

In the title picture – transportation by the US military of a strange object – presumably in Zone 51 or Zone C4, since the moment transportation recorded near the city of Holbrook Arizona. how writes the author of the picture, Charlene Yazzi, he was surprised by the shape of the hidden under case cover. It was disk-shaped, which suggests that it is or UFO in the form of a classic plate, or, possibly, the latest aircraft TR3B (Aurora).

NASA Aircraft Scott Waring Smartphones Sun

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