Words you shouldn't say in front of a mirror

It is believed that a mirror surface, like a computer, memorizes not only our appearance, but also thoughts, and even more so sayings uttered at the peak of emotions. This is why destructive words cannot be spoken in front of a mirror. Multiplied many times the verbal carriers of anger can cause great harm to those who do not follow their speech. what words cannot be said in front of the mirror A negative spoken in front of a reflective surface can be perceived by the Higher Forces as a guide to action.

Words you shouldn't say in front of a mirror

A negative spoken in front of a reflecting surface can be perceived by the Higher Forces as a guide to action. There are words that destroy life, appearance, personality. These include:

  1. Terrible, painful, bad.
  2. Silly, disgusting, sad, tired.
  3. Ugly, unhappy, unnecessary.
  4. Suffering.
  5. Head splits.
  6. He drank all the blood from me.
  7. Fed up.
  8. All the bald spot was eaten.
  9. How poor I am.
  10. You do not love me.
  11. I `m fat.
  12. It's unbearable, I can't take it anymore.

These and similar sayings should not sound in front of mirrored surfaces, even in difficult periods of life. Difficulties must be perceived with optimism (albeit with an assumed one). Then the negative will disappear from life by itself.

I feel bad

This cannot be said to the reflection. Otherwise, it will get worse. Emotionally saying “bad” can turn into a magnet for really bad things, and the deterioration will occur simultaneously in many areas of life.


Such a complaint during a period of malaise can only worsen the condition, prolong the time of the illness. Moreover, the problem concerns not one person (complaining), but all residents living next to the reflecting object. You can't say 'pain' – this word, like a cast of a wounded soul, haunts a person for a long time, preventing him from living fully.

I'm ugly

So, it is impossible to say, because this characteristic can change not only a person's appearance, but also his inner world. With these words, processes are launched in the soul that change it for the worse. In addition, the face may be significantly affected, skin rashes will appear.

I'm not smart enough, I'm stupid

You can't say these phrases looking at your reflection. Especially when you are frustrated with your abilities. They can impair memory, negatively affect logical thinking. As a result, you will be unable to solve the simplest problems.

Apple, no money, poverty tortured

These sayings bring destruction associated with material losses to life. They lead to the closure of money channels, attract chronic bad luck in business. You can't complain. If you want financial success, use wing words: I am successful, I will succeed.

Horror, awful, horror

It is no coincidence that the church forbids these words, which come from the evil one. They make life unhappy, attract fear, chaos, disease.

I'm sad

Life is not complete without sad moments. But one cannot be sad out loud in front of the mirror, so as not to include programs for destroying successful undertakings. The word 'sad' will only intensify pessimism, longing, and destructive action.

I do not need

This phrase can make any person lonely – the beloved will leave, mutual understanding with the people around will disappear, faith in oneself will be lost. Therefore, one cannot even think like that in front of a mirror.

I'm sick of it all

This phrase of despair affects not only life, but also our worldview. She is able to harm even the most cheerful individuals with a strong biofield. One should not despair, one should strive to correct mistakes.

Death, die

You cannot pronounce this terrible word, looking at yourself in the mirror, especially in the eyes. It weakens the energy and can lead to a completely unpredictable result.

words that cannot be spoken in front of the mirror To let love into your life, you need to concentrate on positive attitudes.

What to say to meet love

In a famous Soviet film, an experienced heroine taught a young friend how to become desirable for men. The course of the 'young fighter' included a ritual in front of a mirror. To attract love, the girl had to repeat before the mirror: 'I am the most charming and attractive! Men are crazy about me! ' These tips are relevant to our contemporaries.

Repeat often while looking at yourself in the mirror:

  • How good I am: both figure and soul!
  • And I have a full suitcase of money.
  • What a wonderful day today!
  • All just great!
  • I'm happy!

You need to speak sincerely, with complete confidence in the words, loudly and clearly enough. For a loved one to appear in your life, it is not enough to look perfect (or rather, it is not necessary).

You need to love yourself.

But many people focus on their flaws. They consider themselves not beautiful enough, lucky, rich, complain about their health. To let love into your life, you need to focus on positive attitudes. It is recommended to use well-known words more often in front of the mirror.


This is ultimately what everyone aspires to. Say to yourself in front of the mirror every day: 'I will definitely be happy!'.


This capricious lady accompanies the one who confidently calls her by name. You can't say: 'Now, if only luck smiled at me …'. Instead, near the mirror, say: 'I will definitely be lucky today!'.


This compound word consists of two parts 'good' and 'receiving'. If you often wish the well-being of other people and repeat this word in front of the mirror, you will begin to receive benefits, including love.


Few people need you without it (often nobody needs you). Stop discussing illness, complaining about well-being. And positive phrases with the word 'health' will work wonders in your life.


This is the main word that defines your goal. Do not be afraid to confess your feelings, for example, like this: 'I love this world for its beauty and the possibilities that open before me!'. And you will feel reciprocity. It is also necessary to formulate your aspirations more definitely. Be sure to say: 'I want to love and be loved.'

Very useful words:

  • cheerfulness;
  • success;
  • hope;
  • the beauty;
  • wealth;
  • power;
  • attainment.

And do not forget to say every day: 'I am the most beautiful, intelligent, sexually attractive, successful! My prince is already hurrying to me! '.

In front of the mirror, you can carry out various rituals to attract love.

To meet with your loved one in a month, perform a ritual on the new moon. For this you will need:

  1. large reflective surface;
  2. a beautiful whole clean plate of spring water;
  3. aromatic rose oil;
  4. petals of one rosebud (red or pink);
  5. a candle of red or pink color (preferably, to match the petals).

At midnight on the new moon, place a plate of water in front of the mirror. Scent the water with a few drops of rose oil and add the flower petals. Light a candle. Take off all your clothes, and while standing in front of the mirror, say:

what to say in front of the mirror and why

While looking at yourself in the mirror, rub yourself with scented water. After this water, wipe the door handles on both sides of the door. Sprinkle the threshold of the house. Hide the rest of the charmed water with petals under the bed (they do not need to be touched for a month). After the ritual, go to bed immediately.

It is very important to let go of old relationships before carrying out rituals to attract love, and try to forget about the past negative experience.

If your personal life is not getting better, perform a mirror ceremony for 2 weeks in a row. When it gets dark, turn off the lights and sit in front of a large mirror. Light 3 pink candles. Further, looking at your reflection in the mirror, list your merits.

You can mention, for example, a good figure, beautiful eyes, slender legs, cute dimples on the cheeks, an easygoing character, the ability to listen, and so on. In the end, say:

what to say in front of the mirror

Then extinguish the candles with wet fingers. This is important: you cannot blow out the fire!

Even if you are not a superstitious person, learn to channel the power of the mirror to your advantage.

Avoid negative phrases and use positive verbal attitudes to direct your life in the right direction. And a meeting with a loved one will not keep you waiting long!

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