An unexpected surprise for the residents of the Japanese town of Fujisawa, located
Scientists from Cornell University in Ithaca came to very interesting conclusions during the study
Scientists from Louisiana began developing a mechanism for sending a human corpse into space.
Isn’t it time to think about the future and change everything in your life?
The latest analysis of zircon, which is part of the lunar rocks, led scientists
One of the first planets to be mentioned in Star Wars is Tatooine. This
A very rare gravitational lensing phenomenon will occur in 2028, according to a team
Bright point in the center of asteroid 2016VA On November 1, 2016, at a
The dwarf planet Ceres hides significant amounts of water, according to new research based
The planet Mars is still controversial in terms of the possibility of the
This November and December will be marked by an unusually large moon during
Pentagon officials unexpectedly came up with very contradictory statements – they are confident that