A frightening ghost hit the lens wedding camcorders

A frightening ghost hit the lens of a video camera at a weddingA photo from open sources

American newlyweds Tobias and Emily Wayland claim that a very unusual guest attended their wedding. Wedding ceremony took place on October 13 (it is noteworthy that it was Friday) of the outgoing year, however, the newly minted spouses are only now noticed a mysterious and frightening detail at one of their wedding video. The couple is convinced that the present was visited by the real a ghost that accidentally fell into the camera lens. A man and a woman seriously fear that this spirit could be harbinger of great misfortunes in their marriage.

A photo from open sources

According to Tobias and Emily, their marriage took place in the city Wisconsin Barabu. The holiday was held in the Albert Mansion Ringling (1852-1916) – a famous circus showman. This house with red stone trim was built in 1905. When Alberta and his wife Lou died, the mansion went to his sister Aida. Despite that no high-profile tragedies occurred here (at least least of those known to the public), historical the building is considered inhabited by immigrants from the other world and invariably attracts ghostbusters from across the United States.

A photo from open sources

One of the guests of the Wayland couple, though not hunting ghosts, however, apparently, still captured one of them on camera your smartphone. A friend of lovers made many videos, and the couple just the other day watched all of them. During of this lesson, the newlyweds suddenly saw something creepy on, It would seem a completely harmless video. Tall dark figure with an unusually pale face slipped behind our heroes, calmly standing and talking a little distance from the guests. Waylands are ready to swear that they did not see at their wedding anyone with such an appearance, and an outsider could not discreetly take part in the celebration. Was it really one of the ghosts living in the ringling mansion? Emily writes:

I studied this video for a long time in the editor with the goal of figure out who it was. Due to the fact that the record was received By our good friend, we are convinced that it is genuine. But who is this such? I determined that the person’s face was completely white, as a piece of chalk. We can assume that this is one of the employees of the mansion, however, I contacted the owner, and he informed me that no one a similar appearance does not work for him. Our friend also claims that I didn’t see such strange personalities during the shooting. This riddle so busy and scared tobias and me at the same time that we decided to seek help from a medium …


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