A ghost attacks stray dogs

A ghost attacks stray dogsPhotos from open sources of

Internet users, eager for everything paranormal, are already began to get used to the fact that surveillance cameras no no no yes they catch in phantom ghosts appearing in their lenses inappropriate places, but not visible to the human eye. However, the ghost that attacks the flock at night on the street stray dogs, caught in the camera lens, perhaps the first time.

On the video you can see that stray dogs found someone in the darkness of a night street and rushed towards this “visitor”. But there it was! Suddenly a whitish substance appears in the air a ghost that literally dives into a flock of animals, forcing them screech to scatter to the sides. Apparently, not only the camera, but and the dogs themselves see a ghost, most likely because their eyesight it’s not arranged at all like a man’s. We can see the ghost only in a certain emotional state, most often close to fainting. But animals, it is believed, especially cats, are easy see phantom formations. As this video shows, dogs they see ghosts no worse than cats.

A strange ghost attacking dogs caused some disagreement. Some believe that this is also a ghost of an animal, very looking like a dog. Today it’s no secret to anyone that animals, like a person, they can also have a ghostly substance, and therefore often come ghosts to their masters. Can in this form for example, to frighten the robbers while protecting your yesterday’s house, and etc. Perhaps the ghost was once that visitor’s dog, to which a pack of stray dogs headed, and a phantom appeared to protect the owner or hostess.

Some Internet users in a ghost saw a silhouette women. Well, quite possibly, that’s just why she thought scare the dogs? Are ghosts really capable of fun and purely human entertainment? Why not?..

Cats dogs

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