Photo from open sources
Port Arthur is a small town located on Tasman Peninsula in the Australian state of Tasmania. City population is only two hundred people. From 1833 to 1877, here hard labor acted, the conditions of life and work on which were hardly not the hardest for that time.
The sad glory of this town was reinforced by events April 28, 1996. By local resident Martin Bryant massacred fellow countrymen and guests Port Arthur. Thirty-five people died, and another thirty-seven received injuries of varying severity. This event is considered significant in modern Australian history as it provoked a significant tightening of national laws regarding possession of firearms.
The climate of the city is one of the most rainy and windy in Australia Fogs are also common here. All these factors together led to the fact that Port Arthur was considered unhappy and a mysterious place inhabited by many ghosts. So, they say that phantoms can be found here in the built prisoners of the church, at the old mill, on the waterfront and how it’s not hard to guess at the place of the former hard labor prison.
The above picture was taken the other day by Nelly Timmons – a thirty-five-year-old resident of Port Arthur. Woman walking with sons in the country and photographed nature. Suddenly an Australian woman noticed a pale face in the window of an abandoned bakery, reminiscent of a boy. Timmons understood what she managed to see a real ghost. She hastened to take a picture of the phantom and published it on the Internet as soon as she got home.
No Australian found in the Australian Internet segment skeptical commentator. The people of Australia are wonderful know the tragic history of Port Arthur and relate to reports of the ghosts here are respectful. Some users even felt that in the next window you can also see something strange – either a mysterious haze, or an angry female face. Perhaps the ghost mother is angry with her ghost stepson for that he appears so clearly in front of living people …