A photo from open sources
User “Reddit” claims to have photographed the other day the spirit of his neighbor and good friend. In support of these words A 57-year-old man from Boston has provided other site patrons a picture with a mysterious shadow in a dark window. According to our hero, he and his now deceased friend lived in neighboring apartments on the top floor of an apartment building. Female recently died of aneurysm of a cerebral vessel, and since then the apartment is empty. Here is what the author of the mysterious tells snapshot:
A few days ago I could not sleep and went out at 3 o’clock morning on the street to unwind. When I was outside, then looked up and suddenly noticed a faint glow in her window bedrooms. No robbers could be there. Her relatives – also. She actually has relatives, but they renounced her in 1980s when she killed her husband. It was pure self-defense but she still had to serve 12 years. She has stayed since all alone, except for me. None of the relatives even took her things after death. When her dog started whining in the apartment, I called the cops. They found her lying on the floor.
A photo from open sources
I could not believe my eyes when I saw this ghostly silhouette in the window. I stood up rooted to the spot and almost on the machine took this photo. I think my girlfriend’s death was so sudden, that she didn’t even understand how she left us, that’s why cannot part with the earthly world. The most frightening thing is exactly near this window she always had a chair in which she loved read books at night or look at the edge of Boston. Now to me a little uneasy when I remember how I stood there, and her a restless spirit could very well look at me through a half-closed curtain. I wonder what she thought at that moment? ..