A man photographed a witch’s spirit in a crown hanging tree

A man photographed the spirit of a witch in the crown of a hanging treeA photo from open sources

48-year-old Englishman Paul Stevenson claims he succeeded take a picture of the witch’s spirit in the branches of a tree on which the sorceress once hung. This happened in Nottinghamshire in the summer. last year, however, our hero only now noticed that captured something mysterious on the camera of his smartphone. More Moreover, the man claims to have heard an ominous whisper that day from green crown inviting him to him.

According to Paul, he probably managed to meet then the ghost of Margaret Moore, who was hanged in 1647 on this very a tree. The woman was accused of concluding a deal with the devil. If believe in old legends, Margaret had three children, however all of they died from various diseases. When the Englishwoman gave birth fourth child and realized that he was too weak to exist in this world then sold her soul to the prince of darkness in return for saving the life of her offspring.

When other townspeople learned about the miraculous healing of the baby, then they immediately guessed everything and insisted on the arrest of Moore. Under torture the alleged witch also admitted that she planned to kill by commissioned by the dark forces of local resident Thomas Nyx. As a result, the judge decided to take Margaret to the crossroads and hang her there. It is alleged that before death, a woman cursed fellow countrymen and promised that even the dead would return for their souls descendants.

Stevenson says he was at a crossroads in mid-August 2017. He slowly walked along the road, at there was nobody around. Suddenly the man came mysterious female whisper from foliage. Briton heard the following fragments of phrases: “I’m here”, “come with me”, “I like you.” A surprised pedestrian took a picture of a tree and set off on, constrained by an unpleasant sticky feeling, as if someone was in his back watching.

A photo from open sources

However, for some unknown reason, the author of the picture has never been months did not turn to him, as if someone had taken him away from it. Only the other day Paul accidentally stumbled in his phone on what was made then a photograph. Enlarging an image on a computer, an Englishman suddenly noticed an angry female face in the crown of a tree. To the right of the trunk you can see the eye, nose and mouth of the alleged ghost. By searching online information about this place, Stevenson is surprised read an old legend about a hanged witch. Is it really her restless spirit trying to lure a man to himself, into the subtle world? Creepy, isn’t it? ..

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