A mystically animated toy hit on the camera

A mysteriously revived toy hit the cameraPhoto from open sources

The mitic presented below without any exaggeration The video was received on June 1 last year, but it authors just now decided to share with Internet users these mysterious frames. Hank and Hannah Squires suggest that a baby monitor captured a year ago supernatural activity in their house.

The video shows the young son of a married couple lying in the cradle. Next to the baby sits a teddy bear with whom the boy loved to sleep then. It would seem that before us is unremarkable scene. Nevertheless, if you look closely, you can notice that at some point the head of the soft toy begins turn from side to side! Apparently, she does it’s spontaneous, as if something from other world. Sounds like a plot for a horror movie, doesn’t it is it?

According to still a few concerned parents, they noticed this by accident and were shocked to the core. Hank and Hannah had to get rid of the bear that very day. upset son. The mother of the family soon even dreamed of a terrible a dream in which a creepy toy got out of the garbage container and returned to the baby’s room. Fortunately nothing in reality frightening in the family house since then has not happened.

However, the couple did not dare to publish the video for a long time, as it seemed to them that it energized that sinister an entity that has infused a teddy bear, and then this mystical the toy will certainly return to their house, as it was a dream Hanne.

A year passed during which religious parents tried clean their house with prayers and a righteous life, so today they sure that everything is behind. And this video, they say, can serve a good warning to others …

However, some Internet users have expressed misunderstanding: warning of what? No need to teach your child to sleep with toys or do not get a baby monitor? Better yet, skeptics write, no need to be so superstitious and any random “mistake” in take videos for mysticism …

The Bears

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