Photos from open sources of
A few days ago a resident of Astrakhan visited Volgograd historical and ethnographic museum “Old Sarepta” and completely accidentally photographed a real ghost there, rumors about which go to the institution for many years.
How to remove the ghost in the photo
Wishing to remain anonymous, the girl came down during excursions to the basement and took a picture of a table with candles there. Tourist it immediately seemed suspicious that the candles were burning somehow strange a shade, however, the photographer did not notice any phantoms then. Only returning home and looking at the pictures taken in Volgograd, Astrakhan noticed something on the very image of the museum table interesting and intimidating. After all, real ghosts in the photo fall infrequently.
According to the girl, a mysterious photograph was captured lilac light that seems to soar above the candles. Shot by I am sure that the glow looks like a woman’s face. Other Internet users, where the Russian woman immediately posted paranormal photo, believe that a mysterious object is like the human eye, a fat bird, or even fish with an open mouth.
Where did the ghost come from
It is said that inexplicable things often happen in Old Sarept events. The candles here really burn with unusual colors – this notice almost all visitors to the museum. Specialists suggest that the blame for the whole underground air, however they cannot convince the employees of the institution – they are excellent they know that in an old stone house built back in 1769, These ghosts live, photos of which are still being made.
For example, last year a group of tourists from thirty people observed here a translucent female figure that floated over floor and evaporated in the air. Unfortunately, none of the shocked the witnesses of the paranormal event did not have time to photograph the guest from the other world, however everyone present, including the guide, They claim that they saw a ghost with their own eyes. “Old Sarepta” is considered one of the most populated by the present ghosts of places in the European part of Russia. Legend of the above a phantom woman walks here for decades.
According to this belief, the building of the current museum was once home where a happy couple lived. The couple had a daughter, however, the birth was too difficult, and the mother died during them. After that, the spouse, who sent all his love to the child, became to see a vague human shadow in the rooms. Baby often cried at night, but from time to time it suddenly subsided, as if something distracted him. One day my father went into the nursery at night and suddenly saw the ghost of a lover who was holding parcel with daughter and cradled the girl.
A photo from open sources
It is believed that the spirit of the deceased mother still lives in construction. Did the astrakhan photograph him? It is impossible to say for sure, however, if you look closely at the picture, then definitely something unusual is captured on it, and rather all in the photo is a real ghost.
Russia time