A white ghost crawled near the Russian the store

The white ghost crawled near the Russian storeA photo from open sources

October twenty-second surveillance camera outside one from Russian stores recorded something very unusual and even frightening. This happened in the village of Leninskaya Spark in Kotelnichsky area of ​​the Kirov region. An ominous entry with Runet users shared on Halloween night an anonymous subscriber of the group “Typical Kotelnich “in the popular social network” VKontakte “.

The video below shows how on the site near grocery store creeps in the dark a white object, vaguely resembling a legless fat man. A mysterious anomaly, waving “hands”, approaches the railing, climbs on them and disappears somewhere in the upper part of the frame. This “ball with limbs” looks extremely unnatural, while he definitely looks like a living being.

Judging by the timecode on the video, the alleged a supernatural phenomenon took place at the beginning of the ninth evening. The time is not very late, and it is strange that no one noticed the anomaly from passersby.

Needless to say, many social network users immediately talking about a ghost. They, of course, can be understood, since a mysterious object really looks like something from the underworld and probably capable of scaring the hell out of anyone who is near him. However why phantom materialized near a rural store? Maybe at the outlet at one time there was some misfortune that cost a person life?

Skeptics, of course, are in no hurry to believe in immigrants from that Sveta. Some doubters suggest that the video shows ordinary cellophane bag driven by the wind. Others believe that this is an insect crawling over the camera lens. Still others convinced that we are talking about installation: they say, the administration of the store I wanted cheap advertising, so they painted animation on the video with a ghost.


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