Photo from open sources
Mexican Gina Mihai was very scared when at her on her smartphone, she saw an MMS message … from her late grandmother.
Gina instantly recognized her native face, the woman was only embarrassed blurry image, as if grandmother was shot through some kind of “water” shell. But the strangest thing that hit her granddaughter in the image of a deceased relative – a snake on her neck or something very like a snake.
Gina Mihai turned to the witch for an explanation of the received MMS, and so confirmed that the message came from the other world, and the snake on the deceased’s neck means only one thing: the unfortunate woman didn’t get into the best place after death, apparently for the sins that committed in life. And now she asks in this way to pray for her sinful soul. On the other hand, this message, the fortuneteller continued, can also serve as a warning to your beloved granddaughter so that she understood that she could be expected in the next world if she would lead unrighteous life.
After receiving the MMS message from the other world, Gina and her others relatives also sought advice from a priest who advised them to conduct certain Christian rites, then give alms for 40 days for the repose of the soul of a grandmother, in order to facilitate her fate in the afterlife, which they did with all the responsibility of true believers.
A photo from open sources
Amazing in this case is the multimedia itself message from the subtle world of the dead: it is so far the only known the case from the time that humanity gained ability Transfer pictures via mobile gadgets. If you recall as before, some researchers caught and studied the radio voice dead, it turns out that the technical achievements of our civilizations can be used not only by the people themselves, but also by their souls, leaving the mortal body.
It remains only to believe that in some remote (or not so distant) future people will even be able to communicate with the dead, like the way we communicate today through each other, say, Skype, that is, not only hearing, but also seeing your deceased the interlocutor. Now, of course, it seems fantastic, but … who of we can confidently say how really arranged The universe and what kind of connection is really possible between ours and the subtle afterlife …
Snake Life