Activities of a poltergeist living in a closet captured on camera

The activities of the poltergeist living in the closet were captured on cameraA photo from open sources

United Kingdom father of three children claims that in the closet of his matrimonial bedroom there is a real poltergeist. The invisible native of the subtle world has the property scatter clothes in their cramped quarters, open doors and banging inside at night. Not so long ago, the father of the family was in the evening in the bedroom with his wife and little daughter, when the annoying ghost began to play pranks again in the wardrobe.

This time our hero managed to grab his mobile phone and capture paranormal activity on him. Turning on the video below, you can see like doors cupboards spontaneously move, as if someone pushed them with that side. The Briton opens the wardrobe, turns on the light, but inside there is no one. At least no material could be seen with the naked eye or filmed on a regular the camera. One can only guess and wonder how such a neighborhood is not scares this family.

Or maybe scary? Or is it all just a hoax for fun? In this regard, the opinions of Internet users were divided. However, some are sure that poltergeist is not so rare phenomenon, and many people get along quite well with this ghostly next door, calling him differently, who’s a ghost brownie. They get along because it’s much harder to get rid of than make friends with him. And having friends, you can get hold of in the house an unrivaled defender from troubles and any misfortune. For instance, try to rob such an apartment …

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