Amazon Echo Smart Columns Scare at Night people creepy laugh

A photo from open sources

Many users of Amazon Echo smart multimedia speakers complained to the manufacturer about a very unusual and unpleasant a recent problem with this electronics. From cylindrical For no apparent reason, a terrible laugh begins to be heard.

It becomes especially scary to the owners of the speakers if this happens in the middle of the dead of night. Particularly impressionable personalities they even believe that laughter ghosts instill in their dynamics. IN this is not surprising, since urban legends about evil-possessed technique known ever since first personal computers. Of course, experts say that there’s nothing supernatural here. In their opinion, going on mysterious malfunction of the built-in voice assistant “Alexa”. This “smart” program allows you to do, “communicating” with column, shopping, call emergency services, access various Internet resources and so on.

However, why did “Alex” suddenly “freak out” and started demonically you can’t laugh with accuracy. Someone thinks that virtual assistant responds to certain words nearby people and laughs back, just like a living person. Not less why, from the speakers there is an ominous laugh at night, when quiet around, even company representatives can’t explain yet Amazon

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