American found in her baby picture creepy ghost

An American discovered a terrible ghost in her childhood pictureA photo from open sources

On the World Wide Web periodically photos appear with ghosts made the day before by someone who managed to meet damn in an abandoned hospital, in a cemetery or just at home at home. However, there is another kind of picture with phantoms, which deserves no less attention.

Ghosts in old photos

We are talking about old photos in which guests from the other world are not noticed in a timely manner by inattention. Only after many years people sorting through such photos or showing them to relatives, they notice strange frightening details in long shots, which, it would seem, simply should not be there.

So, an American visitor to a social news resource “Reddit” posted such an image in the section of the “Creepy” site, dedicated to the paranormal. User under alias robot_destroyer shared with the online community a picture taken by her friend over fifteen years ago. On the the photograph shows an American and her sister as a teenager, playing with their dog on the porch of the house.

Nothing unusual, many of us will think. The author of the publication, too so I thought, periodically bumping all these years into this picture. However, the other day she looked at the image more carefully and unexpectedly noticed that at the time of shooting for girls straight from the house, someone’s head looked through the glass door creepy facial expression. Apparently, someone was there, and the intruder’s height is very low. You might think that this angry child.

Where do ghosts come from in old pictures?

Here is what robot_destroyer wrote: “I looked at it for several days back my sister and my children’s photos and focused on details. I always liked the picture, because it is captured on it our English mastiff Elliot, whom we all loved and which we still miss so much. Looking at the photo, I suddenly saw something creepy. Someone behind the glazed back door was! I remember very well that father was at work at that moment, and mother I went to the supermarket for groceries. Only my sister and I were left our friend. She photographed me and Elliot. ”

A photo from open sources

According to the author, she demonstrated the find to her sister, and she confirmed that no one could be in the house at the time of the shooting be. The Americans concluded that it was a ghost. TO fortunately, they had long since moved out of that house with their parents. “Maybe it’s the phantom of the boy who once died there,” – suggests robot_destroyer.

Those users of “Reddit” who are in the presence of the picture Ghosts did not believe it, considered it a paraidolic illusion – they say, near the door there was some hanger with clothes, and her the outlines were similar to the human eye to the evil a child. But there were other commentators, one of which, for example, made a very interesting suggestion. Since very often such phantoms for some reason are seen in old pictures only after many years, is it not wiser to assume that at the time there was nothing of the kind in the photograph. And only later, by for some reason unknown to us, creepy ghosts appear on photos. Moreover, they seem to make people peer into your old pictures and find something there that you haven’t It was.

Well, an interesting theory, that’s just how to check what is the assumption has at least some real basis? ..

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