And behind him is a black ghost …

And behind him is a black ghost ...A photo from open sources

London teacher Debbie Monteforte on Christmas Eve photographed her son and husband in a city bar. On done In the picture, she saw a strange figure dressed in black. Debbie sure that she happened to photograph a ghost.

In a picture published in a number of media, actually captured like a black long coat glued to a portrait. Photo Author swears there was no one in the bar except their family. Yes and the hook for clothes in the place where the ghost appeared

The woman also says that, judging by the picture, the growth of an outsider figures exceed two meters. Be such a giant as an ordinary person it simply could not be not seen and remembered.

After it turned out that that evening the Monteforte family was resting in Britain’s oldest pub that has long been famous abnormal phenomena occurring within its walls. According to a legend, three hundred years ago in the house where the bar is now, a woman hanged herself. Her baby, returning home and seeing mother in loop, could not stand the misfortune and jumped out of the window. Since then many people claimed to have seen ghosts of both unfortunates in unfortunate house.

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