Astronaut Mike Hopkins left this image in his Twitter this week. It shows a creepy cloud that located outside the ISS window.
“Something happened in space today,” Hopkins wrote in Twitter “Not sure if it was just a cloud, something that turned out to be left behind was pretty awesome. ”
A post author on contacted NASA to find out official opinion on this observation, but received no response (due to government shutdowns).
Sources affiliated with the U.S. government indicate that, perhaps this phenomenon was caused by the launch of a rocket in the Republic Kazakhstan.
However, we will wait for the official confirmation of this theory. IN In the comments, the authors write that a similar explanation (rocket launch) doesn’t have any meaning, because “it is not visible in the image no rocket or trace of a rocket, or anything like that “trace rockets or something like that.
Commentators also drew attention to the top of the picture, where the edge of the planet is visible. “It’s hard to explain what that means,” they write. they, but this point is of interest and it is worth noting. ”
Those who believe in the “other world” might call it strange a cloud of “space ghost” that arrived to “watch” for ISS.
A photo from open sources
Kazakhstan ISS Rocket