Australian woman photographed a ghost grandmothers

The Australian photographed the ghost of her grandmotherPhoto from open sources

18-year-old resident of Melbourne Deina Lynch claims that I photographed recently my father Paul and stepmother Sophie, however on the resulting image suddenly seemed something amenable to rational explanation.

According to the girl, she visited living in Frankston relatives a few days after she died grandmother. In the image below, Dane captured her father and stepmother sitting in an armchair and watching TV.

Taking a picture on your iPhone, a young Australian woman right away looked at the received photo on the gadget screen and suddenly noticed one weird and creepy detail. Behind a dark window near which were Paul and Sophie, a human head was visible with eyes closed, peeking from somewhere from the side, and unnaturally diagonally – from top to bottom. The girl claims that on there wasn’t and couldn’t be anyone outside the window since This is a private area surrounded by a high fence. No house there were no people who could go outside.

A photo from open sources

Deina told reporters: “I am convinced that this is my ghost deceased paternal grandmother. In her youth she looked exactly so, I well remember her appearance from old photographs. It’s over her head hanging in the air looks scary, but I want to Believe that is a good sign. Grandma always loved both father and me, and my mother, and then Sophie. When I saw in my picture ghost, I immediately took a few more photos of the window, but on them nothing of the kind appeared again. Among the three of us, I am always was the only person who completely believed in supernatural, but after I showed the image to my father and Sophie, they did not mind and agreed that it was something paranormal. They were amazed by this no less than me. ”

Many World Wide Web users believed in truthfulness shot and agreed with the Australian that the photo shows a phantom. Skeptics are sure that during the outbreak, Deina’s head reflected in the window. However, why from such a strange angle? Inveterate materialists also believe that this could be a photo montage or just pasted on the glass drawing. And unbeknownst to all of them that Paul and Sophie, show them something like Dane that doesn’t concern them personally, they they would have laughed at her just as well, skeptically curling her lips and hiding sly “guesses” in the eyes. We are all as long as we are, figuratively speaking, mysticism will not hit like a butt on the head …

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