Automatic camera photographed a ghost in Utah

The automatic camera photographed a ghost in UtahA photo from open sources

One of the automatic cameras installed in the American Utah by the local Department of Transportation, recorded at night time is something like a ghost. This happened at the beginning of the month. on the territory of the Solger Summit Pass in the Wasatch Mountains.

Utah Transport Department posted a cryptic image on his official page on the social network “Twitter” with the signature: “We have installed 1,150 such automatic cameras throughout the state, and sometimes they capture quite strange things. ”

The Solger Summit mountain pass was in the days of the Wild West very busy place. It used to be relatively a small town of the same name, but over the last century it stopped in a ghost town. This pass was also used Native Americans, and with the advent of the conquistadors the Solger Summit became especially in demand, and its popularity grew right up to beginning of the twentieth century. Today this place is unofficial tourist attraction.

A photo from open sources

Terrible tragedies occurred at the Solger Summit. For example, in 1861 a group of several hundred died here in a severe snowstorm southerners traveling through wasatch to connect with the army Confederates. So the tales of phantoms and the restless spirits in this historical place have long become part of the local local history.

The photograph presented was taken by a special camera trap, responsive to passing vehicles. Equipped motion sensors the camera captures each car, capturing it number. This allows you to identify drivers that exceed speed and violating other traffic rules. It turns out, and the alleged person from the other world did not slip away from the “vigilant eyes “of modern recording technology.

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