Photo from open sources
Alexey Maksimovich did not like the city where he was born. In conversation with writer Nikolai Shebuev, famous for the fact that in 1905 published a satirical magazine “Machine gun”, said: “Physically, I was born In Nizhniy Novgorod. But this is a city that I hate. And I spiritually born in Kazan. “Demonstrative suicide Gorky never distinguished by sincerity. In Kazan, he, too, was not at all high. Here he tried to commit suicide. However, rather In total, Alyosha Peshkov wanted to draw attention to his person. Bullet, which supposedly went to the heart, acquired for some reason completely another trajectory. It’s hard not to get into the heart, and Gorky, throughout probabilities, and did not want this. True, in the autobiographical in the story “A Case from the Life of Makar,” he claims the opposite. Supposedly him the desire to die was completely meaningful. Makar Alyosha Peshkov “pre-spotted a place on the high bank of the river for the fence of the monastery: there heaped snow down the hill, he calculated that if you stand with your back to a cliff and shoot in the chest, you’ll roll down and, covered with snow, buried in it, quietly lie until spring, when the river opens and takes the corpse to the Volga. He liked this a plan, for some reason I really wanted people to not last longer found and did not touch his corpse. “But Gorky himself contradicts. He shot himself in the presence of the monastery the watchman Mustafa Yunusov, with whom he had spoken before, asking take a frozen kitten in the bosom. The watchman immediately reported to the police. The wounded was taken to the Zemstvo hospital. Before trying suicide Peshkov took an anatomical atlas from a student friend Girtlya. Where is the heart, and where are the lungs, he could not know. Yes and the wound was not so serious. The baker Peshkov was discharged from hospitals nine days later. But most of all is different. IN his supposedly dying note, Gorky voluntarily or involuntarily opened reasons for your act. “My remains, please cut and consider, what the hell has been sitting in me lately, “it said. There were no remains. The doctor only cut out a bullet stuck in his back. But the ministers of the church became interested in Peshkov’s worldview. The protocol of the meeting of the Kazan Theological Consistory has been preserved, entitled: “On the Tradition of the Penance of the Guild Alexei Maximov Peshkov for attempted suicide. “” During his stay in the hospital did not notice any mental disorder, “- was spoken in this protocol. If the suicide was not in himself, it would be regarded as an accident. But everything was different here. However, the consistory decision was extremely mild: “Peshkova … bring to private court his parish priest so that he explained to him the meaning and purpose of life here, convinced him to the future cherish it as the greatest gift of God, and behave worthy of a Christian title. “That is, he was invited to preventative conversation. This caused a violent protest of the young Gorky, although the church did not exert any pressure on him. AND future Petrel refused to go to repentance to the parish to priest Malov. The clergy were particularly irritated Gorky’s verses, which he sent to the archpriest. They started like this: “Am I going to talk about a pool?” This could already be regarded as felony, and since the young man persisted in his pride, the police led him to the Feodorovsky monastery by force. But neither hieromonk Peshkov did not answer one question. Photo from open sources Many years later in a letter to his biographer Ilya Gorkdev described Gorky this period of his life: “I declared to leave me alone, otherwise I will hang myself on the gate monastery fence. “And in the spring in the village of Krasnovidovo presented to Gorky a paper of the Spiritual Consistory in which it meant that he was “excommunicated for seven years.” And again Gorky insincere. Not for seven years they excommunicated him, but only for four years. It was this period that the first called in her memoirs the lawful wife of Alexei Maximovich Ekaterina Volzhina-Peshkova. In the list of Masons, Gorky harbored anger at the church. His poems contained direct attacks against the clergy. Poems perfectly weak, but in them, for example, there was such a line: “In the bosom of the church there are many every beast … “. For it, according to the then laws, one could please behind bars. Hatred of churchmen, the Shura-moore of the Petrel with evil spirits are explained by his connections with “free masons” – Freemasons. The archives of the Russian police department have a certificate of activities of the so-called “International Parliamentary Union”. It provides a list of Russian Masons. Gorky is also listed there. He appears in the book “Freemasonry in Russian emigration”, which published in Sao Paulo in 1966. So it’s not surprising that, like all the “free masons”, Petrel simply attracted demonic and mystical world. This world does not like people at all. “People disgust me,” wrote Gorky. There is a version of what exactly he took an active part in the masonic campaign against Rasputin and the royal family, what exactly Alexey Maksimovich invented the name of the scandalous book of Iliodor about Rasputin is “Holy Devil”, yes and edited the text. “It seems to me,” he wrote in March 1917 regarding the purpose of this work – moreover, I am sure the book Iliodora about Rasputin would be very timely, it is necessary that it can bring many people undoubted benefit … Arrange it I undertake abroad. “The sorcerer from the ship” Good “When Gorky’s personality was just forming, he was influenced of many people. These were the Bogomaz masters in the icon-painting workshop, cooks and sailors on the ship “Good”, where Alyosha worked a dishwasher. Alas, they all lost the battle for his soul. Took her retired non-commissioned officer Mikhail Akimovich Smuriy. Although it’s hard to say whether he really existed. Maybe in his guise future writer the devil himself? Gorky first mentions Smur in 1897 year. “He aroused my interest in reading books,” he wrote. Alexey Maksimovich. – Smuriy had a whole chest filled with mostly small volumes in leather bindings and this was the strangest library in the world. Eckarthausen was lying next to Nekrasov, Anna Radcliffe with the volume of “Contemporary”, was immediately “Iskra” for 1864, “Stone of Faith” and books in Ukrainian. ”
Photo from open source “This chest offers him many answers to the painful questions of life, – writes Pavel Basinsky in his book “Passion according to Maxim. Nine days after death,” and Smuriy tests Alexei with them, as the devil tempted Christ in the wilderness. However the difference is that the devil asked Christ tempting questions on which Christ had exact answers, and Smuriy offers dubious answers that prompt Alexei to ask tempting questions. “So who is the Foolish? A sorcerer? Or a Prince of Darkness? Answer Gorky himself gives: “He constantly inspired me:” You read! Do not understand a book – read seven times, seven you don’t understand – read twelve. ” And everything becomes clear: 7 and 12 are magic numbers. Seven in numerology means not only happiness. It’s also controversy, pride, it’s a man on his mind, withdrawn, overly suspicious of to others. The number 12 can be decomposed into two digits. Unit contains everything: good and evil, light and darkness, beginning and end, creation and destruction, love and hate. Two is also eternal confrontation: plus and minus, day and night, life and death, light and darkness, heat and cold. That, in fact, is the answer. But the Sorcerer with the chest liked Alyosha. He wanted to imitate the Smurom in everything, which was far from Orthodoxy. And in the future, Gorky himself became Dumb. There is a lot of evidence. that one of Gorky’s most beloved words was the word “devil”. Moreover, he invested in this concept something affectionate. Devils bald, “” damn you kind of, “” hell knows how cool “- these were his most popular expressions. Gorky’s three early tales of the Devil “More about the devil” and “About the writer, who was arrogant,” they say that how the hell is a writer. In the play “At the Bottom,” the name of the chief Satin’s character is derived from Satan. In the book “Notes from diary “writer talks about the hunchback sorcerer who proves that the world consists of devils. How can you not recall the sorcerer? from the ship “Good” Smuriy? But Gorky sets out his views: “Yes, yes, hell is not a joke … The same reality as people, cockroaches, germs. Devils come in different shapes and sizes … There are, for example, purple devils; they are shapeless, like slugs moving slowly, like snails, and translucent. When there are many, them gelatinous mass is like a cloud. There are a lot of them. They are engaged in the spread of boredom. They emit a sour smell and the soul becomes gloomy, lazy … The Dutch devils are small creatures are ocher-colored, round as balls, and shiny. Their heads shriveled like a grain of pepper, paws long, thin, just like threads, the fingers are connected by a membrane and at the end of each is a red hook. They are they suggest a strange thing: thanks to them, a person can say to the governor – “fool!”, rape his daughter, light a cigarette in churches yes yes! These are the devils of an unreasonable rampage … Devils checkered – chaos of variously curved lines; they are frantically and continuously moving in the air, forming strange, they immediately destructible patterns, relationships, communications. They terribly weary vision. It is like a glow. Their purpose is to nip man’s paths where no matter what he goes … Drapery devils resemble the shape of their nails with forked tip. They are in black hats, their faces are greenish and spread smoky phosphoric light. They move in leaps recalling the course of a chess knight. In the human brain they light blue the lights of madness. Это – друзья пьяниц”.
Фото изopen sources And then Gorky takes out his anger at clergymen: “The devils of the bell ringing are terrible. They are winged, it is the only winged among the legions of devils. They are attracted to debauchery … They flicker like swallows, and penetrating man, burned with his voluptuousness. They must live on bell towers because they are especially violently chasing a person under ringing of bells. “However, hatred of people in robes can be traced and in other works of Alexei Maximovich. All Orthodox he looked disgusting: alcoholics, sluts, fools. Gorky was also planning to write about the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. is he represented him … “an evil old man.” The devils seemed to Gorky and where they never were. Vyacheslav Ivanov recalled how once gave the writer his drawing, which depicted dog on a chain. “Interesting,” said Alexei Maksimovich. “Yes, it’s the devil with a bunch of bagels. “Russian emigrant writer Ilya Surguchev was friends with Gorky when he lived on Capri. But soon friendship was upset. Surguchev directly linked this to the fact that the writer sold his soul. In his essay, “Bitter and the Devil,” published in 1955, in the Paris newspaper Vozrozhdenie, Surguchev cited some examples of the relationship of the writer with evil spirits … Many years later, Surguchev saw a portrait of Heinrich Berry, which, according to prosecutors at the trial of the “right-wing Trotskyist block “in 1938, was involved in the death of Maxim Gorky’s son and himself. The berry, Surguchev wrote, “as two drops of water looked like the devil prophetically painted by a talented Bogomaz. “* * * Perhaps Ivan Surguchev is somewhat exaggerating. But devilry Gorky is not his notion. Hence the terrible end confused person. A writer who denied spirituality and faith. AND this was a certain symbol. “I went to Levin (Gorky’s doctor, then accused of killing the founder of the socialist realism. – Auth.), – it appeared in the memories permitted from above. nurses, – and said: “Let me inject camphor twenty dice, since the situation is hopeless anyway? “. Without their permission, I I was afraid. Levin consulted with the doctors, said: “Do what you want.” I injected camphor to him. And it turned out that the last woman with whom Gorky said goodbye were neither his wives nor Budberg, but this completely unprepossessing and middle-aged nurse. “I put my ear to his breasts – listen – is it? she recalled. – Suddenly like him hugs me tightly, tight as healthy, and kissed me. So we are with him and said goodbye. He never regained consciousness. “Everything is in place here. The nurse was named Chertkov Olympiad.
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