Boxes flying in a store observations

A photo from open sources

Strange incident at a store in Whitstable (Whitstable), Kent, alerted the British. The fact is that in supermarket settled ghost rushing at shoppers with tea. According to the Metro website, a few days ago to the store the city of Whitstable came another buyer. Gray-haired man went to the department where various kinds of tea were exhibited and, taking one of the packs, began to study the information on the package. At that time strange things started to happen in the supermarket: from the rack, the Englishman behind, suddenly got up and hung in in the air a box of tea, and after it flew out of the window and fell green packaging. As soon as the customer leaned over to pick up a fallen pack, levitating goods landed at his feet. Is worth note that the man paid no attention to paranormal: he picked up the boxes and put them in place. This incident became known thanks to the owner of the store. Michelle Newbold, who watched videos from surveillance cameras. According to the woman, the incident remains for her a riddle.

A photo from open sources

“About once a week I look at what was happening in the building my supermarket. While studying the next video, I and stumbled upon amazing footage. I could not believe my eyes and explain to yourself how this could happen – marvels Michelle – The client did not say a word to the staff about what happened, and I don’t even know who it was. ” Michelle posted a video with flying packs of tea on YouTube, hoping that video hosting users share their opinions. “I’ve never encountered anything like this, and I have no idea what was happening that day. I would it’s interesting to know if anyone has any information explaining these strange phenomena. By the way, I don’t believe in ghosts, and the incident with tea did not affect my beliefs, ”said Newbold. And here is the manager pub convinced of the existence of ghosts when something is invisible stole his iPhone. Anna Romantseva


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