Brownie: evil or kind home spirit?

Brownie: evil or good domestic spirit?Photos from open sources of

Brownie – this is perhaps the most controversial figure of the Old Slavic pantheon. The goblin, kikimore, and aquatic are the original enemies a person with whom only sorcerers can agree on something. A mere mortal is better off not meeting these creatures. What concerns the brownie … Agree, you can’t be afraid all your life of someone who lives near us!

Who lives invisible with us in the house?

In the traditions of the brownie, it is described as a squat peasant half a meter tall, then like a big black cat. Sometimes he can look like a bunch of dark energy. However, wherever he dwells – on Oryol or beyond the Urals, brownie remains true to himself: for living chooses the warmest place in the house, doesn’t like very much when the household quarrel and scold – he tries to restrain such.

A photo from open sources

As a rule, a brownie does not intrigue the owners, but guards the house. Therefore, it should be treated with respect, called not brownies, and by the Master, Grandfather, Shirikh, to cajole with various offerings. It can be milk, bread, porridge. And to Kudesy (days of brownie – 10 February, April 1 and September 20) and you should have a feast for the Boss: put him a glass of vodka and a plate with pies and honey, put tobacco …

Brownie is far from a fabulous character

It should be noted that the brownie is optional affiliation of each home. Why? Real brownie (not to be confused with the fabulous) – although this is not opposing people, but still dark entity because it is a residual necrotic energy of dead animals and people – its peculiar clot. Therefore, in multi-storey modern brownie houses above you will not find the fifth or sixth floors: it is too far from the earth, in which rests the remains that gave rise to this energy essence.

The brownie is friendly to people, in general. All over appearances, it is fueled by our emotions. Speaking figuratively, we let the house warm up at our fire, because it is deprived of its own. Therefore, the brownie usually manifests itself positively: it scares away ill-wishers, protects housing and residents themselves from poor energy.

If in the house there are frequent quarrels and people at the same time throw out negative energy, the brownie also becomes aggressive. As a result, all sorts of troubles begin: breakdowns, accidents, illnesses, accidents …

But it happens, unfortunately, and so that the family lives together, and the brownie while arranging pogroms. This happens if the house is built on the place of the old cemetery, that is, where mass burial places. Another thing is also possible: in this house or at the place where he built, something tragic happened, for example, a murder either suicide.

A reasonable question arises: what to do to the residents of the house in which settled aggressive spirit? Urgently seek a specialist who will be able to calm the raging essence, or move. The average person cannot control the situation independently force. Although they say that in order to expel a brownie from a private house it’s enough to bury a goat skull at the threshold …

How to make friends with Domovushi

If the brownie, which has not previously disturbed you, suddenly starts play tricks, try to understand what he wants. Sometimes a brownie like that way attracts the attention of residents to the danger that they do not notice.

Those who live not on the upper floors, but closer to the ground, there is probably a brownie with whom you should establish friendly relations. Let it protect the house and its owners from all troubles and get for this its share of warmth.

In Kudes you can put protection for your home. Around the perimeter apartments, in its corners, should be put on the bulb, in each of which thirteen needles are pre-threaded, and read such a conspiracy: “Father lived, keep the house intact, not let me tear down his walls, yes kindly plunder the tati, save living in it from troubles and misfortunes, from visible heaps yes invisible. May it be so! ”

You can also take a new needle with a length of 5-6 centimeters, prick her middle finger on her right hand with blood and say out loud: “Shirih, always protect my home, for which lead a well-fed life! “After that, the needle should be thrust into the upper right corner of the jamb, which is inside the house above the front door.

Do not forget about the treats for the owner of the house and remember that he does not He loves mirrors, so do not overdo them.

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