A photo from open sources
Three vehicles were mysteriously lifted in air at a busy intersection in China. Amazing video footage filmed in the city of Xingtai, Hebei Province, shows the moment when the car suddenly and violently throws an invisible force up, then flips over and falls on its side. Two other cars nearby experience the same phenomenon, but less intense: they just bounce on the road.
The clip, which is an excerpt from Chinese news, hit on the popular video hosting “YouTube”, collecting several hundred thousand views and lots of comments. The regulars of the resource began put forward various versions of what happened.
Some commentators felt that he was on the road a steel cable that somehow blocked the cars the road. For example, an explanation appeared on the Shanghaiist website that the road turned out to be a broken wire that got into rotating brushes of the sweeper, which pulled it, creating an emergency the situation.
However, in this case many questions arise. Why the cable acted on cars moving in different directions? Why not pedestrians on the right? And finally, why is this very cable invisible in the video, as there is no cleaner machine itself? On this materialistic theories end.
One user suggests that short-term gravitational anomaly causing transport Levitate for a short time. The overturned car hit at its very epicenter. The car that was driving in the rear suffered less damage, and the car, which made the movement in the adjacent lane, escaped a slight leap.
There are also hypotheses that the incident involved aliens, some invisible entities and even genies from the arab mythology.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to say for sure, since the incident was recorded by only one street camera video surveillance. The overturned car was quickly evacuated, and two the rest of the car affected by the anomaly immediately have left.