Cases of poltergeist in residents’ apartments Tolyatti

Cases of poltergeist in the apartments of residents of TogliattiA photo from open sources

“Poltergeist combines a wide range of phenomena like ordinary and easily explained, and occurring not quite understandable, to put it mildly, physical laws, and often involving the intervention of some pseudo- or quasi-reasonable the beginning, which is invisible to humans (at least not perceived in the optical range).

Understanding what poltergeist is is very important because of its physical danger to humans, and because of its effect on socio-psychological processes in our society. Title “poltergeist” originates from the German language and means literally “noisy (noisy, noisy) or mischievous spirit”, reflecting one of the most widespread beliefs about intangible (in the understanding of “crude materialism”), emotionally the saturated and somewhat reasonable nature of the source of this phenomenon “(from the book” Miracles. Encyclopedia “, written by research materials of the Togliatti ufological commission).

From the poltergeist outbreak observation diary

“Location of the outbreak of poltergeist: Togliatti, Central district, K. Marx str., 7 (…), apt. (…) Family composition: Valentine Ivanovna V (…), retired engineer, her daughter and two granddaughters. Start active phase – the summer period of 199 … year. Before starting an active poltergeist process repeatedly observed knocking at the entrance door without a visible source.

Observation in the door “peephole” of the landing showed that the visible physical source (human, animal, technical means) during the appearance of sounds was absent. Everyone heard the sounds family members, including when they were in an apartment in different composition and number of people.

A survey of neighbors showed that a knock on the door of this apartment from time to time also heard a neighbor who subsequently I asked Valentina Ivanovna who arranged “such a tararam” (in this episode in a poltergeist-exposed apartment there were no hosts, there was no sound source on the staircase, however, sounds were available). There was a combination of sound and mechanical effects.

So, with one of the poltergeist “knocks” flew hook fastener from the front door. Window bumps were also seen (apartment on the 4th floor of a 5-storey building), physical items, which could cause such an impact were not detected. Granddaughters feel physical effects, as if they “screwed” into the head from the back and comes out in front.

There is no visible source of sensations, but after that a red spot remains in this area of ​​the body. Besides the sounds of beats in the door, family members periodically noted the sounds of barking dogs that fell silent as soon as one of the tenants went into the room to watch who and from where it barks. Objects of a poltergeist type were visually observed – luminous balls of green-blue color in the room near the window glass. ”

Observing an unfolding poltergeist apartment lasted about a year until the time when, using different methods managed to muffle first, and then completely stop this chain events that caused a large number of unpleasant emotions in the hosts apartments.

However, I remembered this case, which is why. Mentioned poltergeist was the first of all we know during which had to deal with some type of creatures or objects that, may be the source of a number of mysterious events, in a generalized referred to as poltergeist.

A photo from open sources

Once, after returning from a trip, Valentina Ivanovna went into apartment and, to her surprise, saw how on the floor from corner to corner the room rolled through a layer of accumulated dust and hid under armchair gray as if “foggy” ball, which on its way motion shook the dust. Hid under the sofa and … disappeared from sight. She saw once again the same “ball of fog”, only more light color. This “ball” in the morning bounced on her legs, and then rolled down under the bed.

Since neither catch, nor measure, nor consider these there were no uninvited guests, we could only pay attention to the stories of random eyewitnesses about the observation objects of this type. Such, by the way, turned out to be not so few.

Typically, these messages have the following messages of the same type. features: observation is random and, with the rarest exception, not repeats (the person turned around sharply and noticed “this”, or suddenly went into the kitchen, and “this” was sitting on the table, or “this” flashed under the sofa, and the man managed to notice him). “It” looks in all stories the same – “foggy” spherical or oval clot of light, gray or darkish color, which may change its shape (stretch, become flat or let out tentacle-paws, however, of limited length).

A characteristic feature is the ability of such objects to movement both on a hard surface (sometimes even with noise), so and by air (levitation). For example, the owner of one apartment, shaving in the morning in front of the mirror, I saw through the mirror, like a washing the car behind him lifted the lid. From under her a rounded brownish translucent “something” that looked like bloated tights (a man could not find a better comparison), crossed over the edge of the car, quickly the “glass” on the floor and flashed under the door.

Perhaps it is these “hedgehogs in the fog” that are the very ones brownies, referred to in the title of this piece Tolyatti. “And what exactly are these creatures often take the form of “fairy grandfathers” or “gnomes”, again show observations that have accumulated over almost a quarter century. For example, here are a few such cases.

A photo from open sources

The first quarter of the Avtozavodsky district, the usual two-room an apartment in a five-story building has become another hotbed of sluggish “home” poltergeist. Someone invisible periodically loud pounded and snapped in the air in the middle of the room, and especially loved it to do when the mistress is a senior Balzac woman age – went to bed. Sometimes she noticed how on the floor a semitransparent fluffy ball tossed into the air attacking dust.

Not understanding what was happening, the woman was only angry and cursed at white light. “And then one day, sitting on the couch, the landlady noted with surprise for herself that she was experiencing some unusual sensations. It’s hard to describe what it expressed – whether the air has become more transparent, and the sounds are louder, or else what happened … Turning to the nightstand, she saw that she was sitting on a small man, as if descended from an illustration for a Russian fairy tale, but – quite lively and real. He sits and grumbles: “Why do you need sweets from me? and hide the jam? What am I, volume? I need a little bit, you and you will not notice … ”

The woman was shocked by surprise, and the little man disappeared from mind. There was – and there is none … Having decided to test her vision, she became leave some sweets and jams in the kitchen, accompanying it a mental invitation to taste the goodies. Coincidence or not, but with of that day, all the noises in the apartment stopped.

A photo from open sources

He lived in another Togliatti family a little house. As expected normal house, he was invisible, only made noise sometimes. One evening, the hostess of the house was sitting in front of the TV, carried away transmission, and suddenly I heard a muttering: “So you want cheese! Here it is shame, they left cheese on the table, but such a huge piece – unless bite? If only I chopped it smaller! ”

Turning to her voice, the woman saw a very small old man – the beard and hair are gray, tousled, the eyes are crafty, and the shirt is yes pants tied with a rope. Walks up and down the room and grumbles. The mistress was shocked by surprise – who, they say, this, – and the old man has disappeared. She went to the kitchen to look, and it turned out that there really lying on a table a piece of cheese of very decent size. Cutting off a smaller piece, she left it on the table.

It is not clear why it depends on whether these “balls” are friendly. or not really. And that such objects are not always safe, also confirm eyewitness accounts. By the way, poltergeist happens “hovering”, brought into the house with some object. A victim of this poltergeist became N. – one of the Togliatti artists.

A photo from open sources

Her friend brought from a monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod region, a piece of incense. It was a little strange that for some reason this resin completely had no characteristic pleasant smell. In a few days N.’s apartment was hacked. And the thieves were the most “uncomfortable” route, but strictly in those places where the pieces of incense lay. Yet strangeness – thieves did not touch anything in the apartment. Simply gone.

But it turned out that in another family (where the second part was stored of the same incense), on the day of its appearance the doorbell rang. The hostess opened and saw that there was no one behind the door, but … into the gap a gray foggy ball burst in and disappeared inside the apartment. During a few days from now, the family that got along before was torn apart by terrible scandals up to the intentions of killing one half the other half. Scandals ended exactly on the same the moment when the incense was collected and returned to the woman who it brought.

In fairness, I note that cases with negative manifestations many times less than neutral observations or mutually beneficial communication. In our database of Togliatti poltergeist recorded such a case. During the next cleaning a woman climbed onto a stool to reach out and dust off ventilation grill. Almost finished work, she suddenly felt that she was losing her balance and falling. Imagine, what it is like to rattle from under the ceiling of your own apartment!

Leaning already at an angle of forty degrees, the woman suddenly I felt that someone supported her with a firm hand under her back, and then put in place with a stool. Breathing, she went down to the floor and was about to go thank her husband for support – and only then it dawned on her that there was nobody in the apartment! Husband on work, son at school …

And further. It will not be superfluous to remember that folk rituals are completely clearly prescribe some signs attention, just like any other family member or (let little houses do not take offense) to their beloved pet. Chuckled over them among the people, but it was considered unacceptable to offend or Do not respect such a “home owner.” If you retell folk folklore in modern language, then we may for hundreds years dealing with a certain form of life that has similar to us moral and psychological qualities, but based on other physical principles. So who does live next to us? Who they are creatures whose folk experience has been sideways for many hundreds of years of life sided with the mythological folk brownies? Like, though invisible he, but the real owner of the house … As stated in one famous comedy, “science does not know …” However, the unknown this communication of people and these mysterious creatures is not at all interferes.

Sometimes “invisible” animals discover. For example, in for three consecutive days the family of Togliatti was harassed by the poltergeist. It was in the house number … on Primorsky Boulevard. By yourself chairs and other heavy things toppled over, cranes opened and from water lashed at the washing machine during washing the plug was pulled out of the socket, and the stove in the kitchen, on the contrary, turned on at night, which almost led to a fire. One evening in all the linen was taken out of the closet in the bedroom. And bed It was neatly folded onto the bed, and the rest was dumped in a heap on the floor.

There were steps in the apartment, as if they were being emitted by a large animal with soft paws. But the most interesting thing was that the domestic cat became the protector of the family from such a misfortune. She walked around the apartment, grumbling and whipping up wool on the scruff of the neck, and sometimes as if raising someone – thrashed paws through the air.

A photo from open sources

Once after such a brawl, the cat sniffed and became spit out with coarse and long red hair, similar to wool nutria. After this incident, the poltergeist phenomena in the house died down, yes and the fights between the cat and its invisible adversary are no longer was observed.

It would seem – here it is, real evidence of the unusual – a piece of “invisible” wool that can be chemically exposed genetic and other conceivable analysis, compare with wool famous animal science! Summed up the love of cleanliness – this mother women during the next cleaning just threw away the bitten cat hair. What to her scientific objectivity! …

Poltergeists include “seemingly unreasonable” calls to door (when it is reliably established that this is not pampering the neighbors kids or checking the apartment for the presence of the owners). Also the same applies to phone calls. A mysterious appear poltergeist can anywhere. Even … at the city hall.

Tatyana Makarova

Cat Mirror Life Time

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