CCTV cameras take ghosts

Security cameras take ghostsPhotos from open sources of

There are several opinions on why the ghosts of the dead people remain in our world, and not sent to subtle spheres. how identified one of the researchers of the phenomenon of ghosts Icelander Magnus Scarfedinsson, one of the main reasons for this is violent death.

The ghost of a murdered man

Like it or not, but people have given notice that those killed are often “stuck” in this world in the form of ghosts. In Christianity for example, there is even a definition for this phenomenon – undead souls. Just such an undead soul the other day recorded video camera near one residential building in the USA.

Residents began to notice that after the tragedy that occurred here in early January when one of the tenants was shot, soon paranormal phenomena. Someone saw a ghostly shadow walking near the house, shuffling footsteps were heard behind someone, although no one was nearby was, and some just felt at this place unconscious fear, as if something terrible was about to happen.

In the end, the inhabitants of the house decided to install in front of the building CCTV camera. After reviewing the shots, they were shocked because an impartial “witness to what is happening” I caught a ghost in my lens (the lower left corner of the frame), which obviously wanders here in the evenings and nights, scaring people. Now tenants and completely afraid to show up alone in this place after calling the sun.

The ghosts of the former morgue

By the way, CCTV cameras are often accidentally removed ghosts, after which people begin to look for reasons for this phenomenon. This happened, for example, in the San Francisco Vestry restaurant, where in in the evening, the “security camera” recorded a ghostly a female figure in white, who is either trying to open just the door locked by the guard, or checks to see if it is securely closed.

After the restaurant staff saw these shots, they raised the city archive and found out that the building of the Vestry restaurant was built in 1914, but at the beginning there was a morgue in it. More Moreover, ghosts have been seen here before, others noted paranormal phenomena, but only in the last century did not establish CCTV cameras, and therefore fix and, as they say, could not document this mysticism.

Evening ghostly promenade

Here is another case when a surveillance camera “catches” into your lens ghost. The author of the video claims that happened at the end of January of this year in one of the British cities where he lives. However, he did not want to scare his fellow citizens by this mysticism, and therefore he is silent where exactly this ghost walks. Moreover, this can happen in any other city, and therefore everyone has the right to choose for himself – this the phantom lives on my street or, pah-pah, all this happens for thousand kilometers from my house.

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