Chelyabinsk abandoned her husband due to a strange knock at apartment

A photo from open sources

Strange sounds in the apartment forced Chelyabinsk to leave her husband. A the man is still suffering from insomnia. Knock already 17 months are interested in public utilities – preparing for surgery “Cricket-2. Find and make noise.” When Mikhail Arkhipov moved to a new house, thought that it was then that he would heal in a new way, with comfort. But the walls were not so welcoming – they drove away spouse. All because of a strange knock that is heard well throughout apartment, especially at night. Mikhail Arkhipov, a resident of the house on the street. Christmas: “Go to bed at 11 o’clock – knock. At night, knock and in the morning from half past five to 11 in the morning. When does the water start – the knock is generally so aggressive, sonorous. Unpleasant. ” All this time Michael ponders the nature of annoying sounds. At first he sinned on neighbors – you never know – repair, a matter of everyday life. But such a poltergeist for the whole house. Rospotrebnadzor even visited here – mobile the laboratory closed in the apartment for a couple of hours, after it announced conclusion: “Measured levels of penetrating acoustic noise living room apartment number 74, 7b on the street. Christmas is not comply with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations for night time. “It’s all about the automatic system water supply. Director of the management company personally examined basement with a stethoscope, but the sound source was never found. He says that finding a knock in pipes is more difficult than a needle in a haystack. Once he had to deal with something like that – then it called “Operation Cricket.”

Mikhail Klepikov, director of the management company Yuzhuralstroy service “:” Of course, I do not forget for a day that I am doing. Just on Friday, I turned to specialists at Department of SUSU. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will invite here already analysts for that high-tech equipment. “Will they help SUSU experts deal with the noise in the house on the street. Rozhdestvensky – not known. But Mikhail Arkhipov hopes that soon he will be able to return wife.


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