Chelyabinsk climber photographed ghost

Chelyabinsk climber photographed a ghostPhoto from open sources

Chelyabinsk amateur climber and photographer Alexander Grekhov, perhaps photographed last Saturday, February 3, something like ghostly entity. Russian says that he went to an expedition to the village of Slyudorodnik near Kyshtym. There is ours compatriot spent the night in one of the abandoned adits, where took a lot of photos.

In one of the pictures depicting Comrade Grekhov, she appeared a kind of bluish glowing haze. Was it real come from the other world? Or a fancy play of light-shadow? True myself mine researcher is inclined to the first assumption: not without reason it is believed that in these workings numerous spirits huddle the miners who once died here.

By the way, let’s say that Danish experts in mysticism from Esbjerg recently made a very interesting statement regarding ghosts. According to paranormal researchers, most the ghosts that people from all over the earth see belong eyewitnesses themselves.

In other words, an obscure human figure that you, suppose you see in your house it may be yours own soul, briefly materializing outside your body. Maybe Chelyabinsk Alexander, who dared to go down in the ominous adits of the Mica, also photographed there not anyhow whose spirit is your own? For example, separated to more thoroughly inspect these dungeons, while the mortal body with a lantern in his hand, with difficulty, he explored a tiny space …


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