Students from Chelyabinsk decided to check the urban legend about a banker who hid all his savings in an elevator. Under by cover of night, the guys made their way into the abandoned building and it was already they found a cavity in the wall when they suddenly heard footsteps behind the wall. Turning around, young people saw a transparent figure, which is clearly was hostile. Frightened diggers escaped but now intend to resume the search again and find a mysterious treasure, guarded by a ghost. Abandoned building of Chelyabinsk elevator Photos from open sources The story of the banker of Chelyabinsk, who went bankrupt at the beginning of the 20th century, known to many South Ural lovers mystics. According to legend, a man, tired of the attacks of creditors, hid their last savings in a hiding place and committed suicide. Despite the fact that the elevator building was used until the 90s of the last century, no one found the money. Now for the “treasure” banker “hunt local stalkers. Among the most active “search engines” were Alexander Golendukhin and Pavel Perov. The guys managed to get so close to the solution urban legend that they were met by her guard – the ghost of the banker himself. – Last week we decided to try our luck and find the banker’s treasure. We decided to do it at night. Not much work made up, we started tapping the walls. There was a sound in one of the walls strange, as if it were empty. When did you start getting the first brick, heard strange footsteps. Thought it was the police turned around. But we saw a strange creature that looked like a cloud. They got scared and ran away. Maybe the ghost of that same banker does not give find us a treasure, ”said Pavel Perov.
Photo from open sources About what is in an abandoned building an invisible presence is felt, many stalkers said. Some of them felt someone’s heavy look, someone felt a chill that runs down your back even into a warm and calm the weather, there were rumors about the strange sounds that make at night elevator. But no one faces the treasure guard yet came across. Learn the ghost story and try to help him psychic Tatyana Moskovskaya decided. Entering the building, she immediately felt an otherworldly presence. After fluent scanning elevator psychic managed to find a place suicide banker. He hung himself on a hook that used to stick out. from the wall to the stairs. – A creepy place, I directly feel restless soul. This is the connecting rod spirit. Frost is on the skin. Have a feeling of energy of death. I feel like there was a suicide. When happens suicide, it turns out that the spirit is restless. He is not taken away in heaven or hell. He walks here. The man seemed to go broke and he I saw that his situation was sad. And from this hopelessness he hanged himself right here. His spirit continues to live here, – said site “First Regional” Tatyana Moskovskaya. According to the medium, concrete walls have unique properties and can store fingerprints of ghosts in the form of stains or traces of burning. Such tags can be found in many elevator rooms. Medium succeeded also catch the subtle vibrations that come from the treasure. Tatyana Moscow claims that in one of the walls is really located cache, but stalkers should forget about its existence. “Looking for other people’s treasures is very dangerous.” They contain energy suicide. Anyone who finds this treasure will be damned. is he will inherit the energy of the person who hid the treasure. I see a person who was already close to finding the treasure on the same day had a very terrible accident in a black car, – said the site “The first regional” psychic. To free the elevator from heavy and hazardous energy, the medium held a rite that will help the ghost calm down. However, according to Moscow, in the coming decades, an abandoned building in the center of Chelyabinsk and will be empty. If you want to rate the article, share it with your friends on social networks, one click for you, and we are pleased.
Chelyabinsk Psychics