Children are terrorized by the black devil

Children are terrorized by the black devilPhotos from open sources of

In one of the secondary schools of the city of Torapoto in Peru since April this year, children began to pursue an evil spirit, which they themselves students who have been subjected to this mystical attack characterize like a black ghost with a huge beard or a creepy monster, trying to kill and drag them away.

To date, more than a hundred students have become victims. black devil. His attack manifests itself in the fact that the child suddenly falls to the floor, begins to convulse, scream, suffocate and, in the end, loses consciousness. It seems strange that a terrible ghost attacks students only eleven – fourteen years old, neither younger nor older children react to the presence of a black devil in school.

Some scholars believe this is just mass psychosis, which periodically flashes here and there. Enough recall plague dances periodically occurring in Western countries Europe, a case that occurred in 1962 in Tanganyika, when after for one girl, almost the whole school fell into hysterical laughter, after which the children laughed for several days in a row.

Opinions about the “black devil” are divided

However, Peruvian parapsychologists disagree with the orthodox science explaining such cases is too superficial and biased. In their opinion, the children were actually the influence of evil spirits, but the reason for such an attack on students need to look in the past. For example, just remember that school built on the site of an old cemetery. There is one more an important fact: a few years ago near the school there was a terrorist act that entailed many victims. Moreover many people then literally tore to pieces from a powerful explosion the bombs. Perhaps the restless spirits of the unfortunate in this way take revenge on the living who did not allow them to die peacefully and leave this world.

Parapsychologists also explained why not all children are exposed exposed to the black devil. The fact is that in every person there is its share of divine purity and divine protection, that’s why some people so easily fly off the coils, and others any impact dark forces nothing. They are also said to have a strong angel. the keeper.

City authorities continue to investigate the incident in high school, but it seems they will have to accept the version parapsychologists since no one knows how to eliminate this “infection”, that is, to drive away the black devil, how to heal already affected children. You have to resort to the help of sorcerers and magic experts …


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