Folk omens for December 8 relate not only to the weather, age-old wisdom teaches people not to lose their presence of mind in difficult situations and difficult climatic conditions. On this day, the church venerates Saint Clement, and the people meet Klim the Cold, who, according to popular beliefs, 'leads a harsh winter'.
Clement was the fourth bishop of Rome in the first century after Christ. During the time of persecution of Christians, Clement ended up in hard labor, where he consoled and instructed the condemned. Emperor Troyan ordered to tie the preacher to an anchor and drown him in the sea so that his body would not be found by like-minded people.
But the body of the preacher was found by people and, as expected, buried in the ground, because as a result of the prayers of the followers of Clement, the water receded 500 meters. After this event, the sea every year for the 7th century receded for several days so that the believers could worship the saint. During this many miracles were performed, people with the help of prayer to Saint Clement got rid of diseases.
What to expect in the near future
Traditionally, on December 8, people tried to predict the weather for the near future by folk signs:
- Snowfall on this day is a harbinger of a rainy summer.
- In the frosty season, water appeared on top of the ice on the reservoirs – warming and bad weather are approaching.
- The frozen ground and snowdrifts promise a fruitful year.
- Cock crow early in the morning – portends warming.
- The dry grass is covered with frost – the first severe frosts without precipitation are expected.
- A gray shroud has tightened the firmament, curly clouds stretch upwards, become stratified – soon it will start snowing.
- In the village there is an invasion of field mice – winter will be cold.
- The prolonged knocking of a woodpecker on a tree is a harbinger of bad weather.
- Sign for tobacco smokers: if ash rises in the pipe, expect snowfall.
On December 8, the women sat down to spin by the window. The abundance of snow in the yard created a lot of light in the house.
According to the omen, on this day they began to work without breakfast. Explanation: Threshing with a full stomach is very difficult. December 8 threshed all day and even in the evening. The omen spread to any business that was involved that day.
On this day, wolves came close to human dwellings, so superstition and fear did not allow the peasants to go outside unnecessarily, especially in the evening. Crafts helped to pass the time. In the evening, the whole family gathered at a large table: they had dinner, talked, sang.
Eighth day of December – attend church and pray to Saint Clement. Mothers asked Klim to protect children from the cold.
The people believed in the existence of evil spirits called 'crackers'. They sleep in the summer, and in December they wake up and begin to knock on the frozen ground and branches.
Beliefs and omens for December 8 and all winter:
- A cold wind blows – these are the 'codfish' running through the fields, blowing into a fist.
- If a person complains about the cold, cold, then he will get sick – his 'crackling' will punish him.
- Whoever keeps a good mood and vigor in frost will be adorned with blush and endowed with good health.
- If on this day you start serious business on an empty stomach, then the work will please you with the result.
If on the night of December 8, you dreamed of huge boulders – good luck. - There were high mountains in dreams – a prediction of success in personal life or career growth.
Sign by date of birth: who is born on December 8 – he will become the owner of a strong character.
To achieve their goals and not doubt their abilities, these people need to choose rhinestone or corundum as a talisman. According to popular belief, these stones protect from evil spirits and the intrigues of enemies, help to cope with insomnia and gain chastity.