Photo from open sources
At one time, the inventor and great dreamer Thomas Edison, who believed in the afterlife, tried to create a special telephone a device that could connect living people with those who went into the world different. Naturally, he didn’t succeed. Although why, naturally?
The fact is that the connection with the world of the dead, one way or another, exist. Numerous spiritualistic sessions and abilities some mediums go to those who left this Earth, they say us about it. Of course, among such people there are many charlatans, but after all … In this case, a peculiar experiment is noteworthy the American illusionist and hypnotist Harry Houdini who For a long time I was looking for a real medium who could connect it with the other world, but each time he ran into only crooks. Not resting on this, before his death, he left his wife passphrase to give her after death. They say in 1929 year, Bet found a real medium and he connected her with her husband act, and the woman heard this passphrase: Beth believe me.
That sometimes information comes to us from the other world, warnings, and even more, more surprising, they say many facts. For example, in 1975, the Soviet cosmonauts Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov crashed when a rocket took off, and just before her refusal, they heard some kind of headphones warning voices, although no one sent them anything from Earth, and he couldn’t, because the accident was yet to come. After emergency landing, the astronauts landed in a capsule in the Altai mountains. By instructions they must shoot the parachute from the device and get out out. And again a voice in the headphones warned them not to did it. As it later turned out, it was the parachute, catching on ledge of a rock, and held the capsule over the abyss. If the astronauts Shooting him would simply perish.
But doesn’t it seem surprising that the world famous case with British Rosemary Brown, who wrote several brilliant musical works dictated by great composers, who visited her from the next world. Moreover, experts argue that each of her works is perfect, and any is written in that vein, in which the deceased composer wrote that dictated it Rosemary.
And finally, the writer Vera Kryzhanovskaya, also known as soothsayer and foreteller of the great mission of Russia, which save the world, in fact, was only a medium and scooped all its knowledge from the words of the spirit of John Wilmot Earl of Rochester. And such facts lots of.
And yet, is it possible to create an apparatus about which there was no time did Thomas Edison dream? It turns out that scientists are already close to this, for example, researcher Vladislav Gush is seriously engaged the study of the so-called electronic voices that you can record using modern devices. It’s like when shooting: we don’t we see a ghost, and the camera captures it. Also here: we are not hear the voices of the dead, and devices are capable of recording these strange voices from nowhere …