Cosmopoisk investigated the poltergeist case in cafe Irkutsk

Cosmopoisk investigated the case of a poltergeist in a cafe in IrkutskA photo from open sources

The poltergeist episode occurred on Saturday May 24 in Irkutsk Primus coffee shop (42 Stepan Razin St.), when one of motion sensors, about which, via SMS message, the owner of this establishment, Yegor, was immediately informed. At about 11:00 he was in place and found that in the area of ​​the sofa the picture fell, which was the reason for the sensor to trigger.

As it turned out, the three ropes on which the picture hung were as if frayed or ragged. It is worth noting that the weight of the picture quite impressive, about 8 kg. Therefore, they were involved three ropes at once. According to Yegor, she sagged in this institution more than 6 months and never fell. Moreover, it was the first incident for the entire time when the security system worked.

But the fact of the fall itself was not inexplicable, but how and where it fell has fallen. First of all, the picture was in a glass frame, glass which, given the heavy weight, when falling from a height of 1.5 meters, should at least crack. In addition, the picture was found neatly laid on its side, on the chair that was behind outside the zone of probable fall of the picture.

A photo from open sources

An initial examination of three ropes showed that they were torn approximately in the middle. Most likely in the place where they hung on the nail. By curing the owner of the coffee shop, the ropes were new, no fray.

During the conversation, it was possible to find out that in the building where a coffee shop is located, previously it was reported paranormal activity. In particular, we managed to talk with an employee neighboring bar (and part-time rehearsal base for local rock musicians), who reported that several times he saw here the ghostly silhouette of a “woman in white”. Besides, the management of the neighboring bar complains of periodic causeless triggering of the security system.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

It is interesting to note that the building, where both institutions are located, located in the courtyard of the House of Writers, which a few years ago our group studied for abnormal activity. In that case, House of Writers workers reported periodic meetings with haunted, and most often with some “woman in white”.

On the same day, after about an hour and a half, in the Primus coffee shop instrumental measurements of the characteristics of the electromagnetic fields. Measurements showed an increased background of electromagnetic radiation in area of ​​the sofa, which is very close to the place of fall. During The measurements were de-energized by WIFI, and partially a security system.

The background values ​​of the microwave field (50 MHZ-3HHZ) in the coffee house were 6.5-7 mV / m. In the area of ​​the sofa, the values ​​were significantly higher than the background – 600-1000 mV / m. A similar picture was noted in the place where it hung the picture is 300-400 mV / m. Directly at the site of the fall, high-frequency radiation was within the background. Measurements in the extremely low frequency range (30 Hz – 2000 kHz) is also shown in the area of ​​the sofa increased magnetic field induction of the order of 15 mG (with a background of 0.5 MG). Measurement of field frequencies in the place of an increased field indicated the presence of radiation in the ranges of 180-250 MHz, and also 10-30 Hz. It is important to note that there were no natural sources of radiation were detected, which would explain increased values ​​- there was no wiring or metal designs.

As a working hypothesis, we can assume the following option fall process. The ropes were torn apart gradually, not all at once. IN moments of breaks the picture began to swing, she began to make oscillatory motion parallel to the wall. Vibratory movements led to the fact that the left side gradually began to sink way down. At that moment, when the upper left corner was in the upper its point, there was a final break. The picture fell lower left corner, then leveled, standing on a chair with the whole left side.

But even if you accept this option, it remains unclear whether this gradual rupture of the rope by some abnormal element or is it a simple set of circumstances. We believe that only further observation and detailed investigations of all stories related to this building, will clarify this.

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