The first note on the poltergeist process in Togliatti appeared in 1990 in the newspaper “Freedom Square”. Long autumn nights 1990, the watchmen of one of the VAZ units began to notice weird things. Someone inside the walls of the room they are protecting occasionally, but pretty hard pounded. These blows were different in power, which in itself did not explain their origin. The thing is, that this room, located on the north side of BA3a, is lonely, he has no adjacent walls with other buildings. Newspaper notes on the paranormal of those years Photos from open sources
Assuming that one of the people might “joke” so strangely, people guarding the building repeatedly went outside and examined him outside. Inspection showed that passers-by around and not at all It was. Yes, if only knocks on the walls — they could still be somehow to explain. But the situation was complicated by the fact that on the roof of this as if on a one-story building, someone was arranging “walks”: stomped and shuffled as if the whole walked there really crowd. Inspection of the roof (and it was easy to do, since the building one-story) and the surrounding area showed that no individuals able to perform such actions, next again it wasn’t.
This story lasted about six months; gradually it became get used to it, they almost did not pay attention to knocks, and everything would be well. If events did not begin to develop further.
The next night, a watchman on duty noted that spontaneously turned on ventilation in one of the workshops, lighting and tractor lights in the garage. Then the TV turned off (the plug came out from the network without participation, but in front of a person nearby). Such arbitrariness is tired of the watchmen, and one of them, possessing some psychic abilities, decided by his methods discover the cause of the events. Stepping on duty, he He went around all the premises of the building he was guarding – everything was in order. Then, concentrating, he began to mentally locate the inner building space. At first everything was calm, he did not feel outside presence. But further events took the most unexpected turnaround. Before being in a state of concentration a funnel arose with a man, the bell facing down, and the end of it, bending, went somewhere up into space.
Having moved, the funnel turned out to be its broad side directly over this man’s head and, like a vacuum cleaner, began to draw him into yourself. The sensation of attraction was purely physical – he had hair in literally stood on end, and the shirt crawled upward on the body.
Feeling intuitively how to stop this phenomenon, the watchman shot several times up into the funnel bell. In theory, the bullet marks should have remained on the ceiling, above the place where he sat, if only because the sparks from the bullets he saw the concrete slab exactly where the funnel went into the ceiling. But at the subsequent inspection they were not there.
However, the reception helped, and the funnel disappeared. Bullets themselves like there were no traces from them, although the shells were found on the floor one.
At that time, our group had already appeared in Tolyatti researchers abnormal phenomena. And, although neither experience nor special knowledge of what poltergeists are like, none of us then was, we still went on night duty to the scene. As they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. But, apparently the shelling calmed the “noisy spirit”, and more events in this the premises were not repeated.
What was the reason for this poltergeist? Then it’s not it was possible not only to understand, but even to make some assumptions. However, interest in events that go beyond the generally accepted worldview, was so great that an article about another case the appearance of “noisy spirit” appeared even in the official city the newspaper of that time.
“Lamb in Tolyatti” – “For Communism”
It was in the newspaper For Communism that the phenomenon was described, what was happening in one of the apartments of Avtozavodsky district – on Moscow Avenue. For well-known reasons, I do not call genuine behalf of the woman who lives.
– In the summer, exchanging exchanges with my husband, I moved to this two-room apartment apartment, – said Nadezhda. – Miracles began in the first night. My eighteen-year-old daughter and I settled down for the night in different rooms, talking for a while. And suddenly heard: someone slowly walks from room to room, scratching the floor with nails. The daughter asked: “Mom, can you hear?” To not to scare the daughter, in a playfully calm tone, she answered: “I think that it’s a rat. ”
The women lit the light, but they never fell asleep that night managed..
Soon the daughter got married, and Nadezhda Nikolaevna began to live alone. In the evenings, she noticed that she had a feeling as if behind her someone is watching. And when I opened the book, it seemed to her that this “someone,” standing behind her, is also interested in content books. There was a slight crackle.
Sometimes the sound coming from an open umbrella struck. Sometimes passed for several hours, as she left an open umbrella to dry, and suddenly for no reason, there was a loud bang of escaping from him large drops. It began to happen both day and night. We checked the whole apartment, but the possible real sources of such sounds are were not detected. At these moments, Nadezhda carefully examined umbrella and floor: everything was completely dry. There was a feeling that with her how would play, checking the reaction to what is happening.
For a while, poltergeist manifestations in Nadezhda’s apartment almost stopped. The landlady already thought the noisy spirit if it didn’t disappear at all, then, in any case, he became very quiet and became behave pretty well. But on the eve of the impending departure to resort in the evening in the inner wall, between the kitchen and the large room, two knocks were heard, and then became monotonously continuous knocking on the toilet door. Resting at the resort, the hostess is “noisy” apartments periodically returned to the thought of how to live in such an apartment?
Two days after returning passed quietly. She already hoped that the “drum” disappeared, but it wasn’t there. Knock on the wall resumed.
A poltergeist sketch made by a medieval an artist
A photo from open sources
Gradually, Nadezhda and the invisible “informer” formed even a certain communication system. Sometimes he answered her offer to “knock”, sometimes – ignored. Greeted her with a short knock, when I returned from work. If she was busy with her thoughts or work in the kitchen, didn’t pay attention to him – he could pounding for an hour. But as soon as you speak with him, he will knock a little and calm down.
It would seem that in the relationship between the “owner” of the apartment and her a peace was established by the lodger. But one night a woman jumped on beds from the sound of a powerful explosion, the source of which is as if was on the balcony. As it turned out, there was no explosion, there was only scary sound (and poltergeist has a unique ability mimic different sounds, no matter how strange it may seem to us this is the quality of “invisibility”).
After a couple of days, it cracked off half an hour ago TV. Hope saw on the screen a luminous “light” the size of a five-penny coin that burned until dawn. At times on the wall a glow appeared over the sofa – a circle with a diameter of 12 centimeters, then the carpet began to glow. In moments of intense activity spirit “carpet” burned “with a bright flame, and people nearby (neighbors, guests) felt a severe headache, ringing in the ears …
“Once the daughter and granddaughter stayed overnight,” she told us. Nadezhda Nikolaevna, – I felt stuffy, and I opened the balcony Door. And suddenly it began to crack. I asked: “What do you want, why are you cracking? “The crackling does not stop. And then I realized that he will be worried until I close the balcony door: on window sill, next to the door, there are flowers, the temperature outside minus one. The flowers obviously emit a signal, and Lamb regretted them. She closed the door and there was silence.
So – in the relative friendship of man and invisibility – passed several years, but in the end Nadezhda Nikolaevna still wanted to figure out what was happening in her home.
One member of our research team several times spent the night in the house of Nadezhda Nikolaevna. He confirmed that she really hear all the sounds she talked about, and There are no domestic or technical sources for these sounds.
But here is what else he saw:
– The landlady invited me to drink tea. Just spilled it on the cups, as someone began to knock on the bottom of the countertop. Deep at night, no matter how hard I tried not to sleep, still dozed off and woke up from rustle. There was an impression that someone was dragging a heap on the floor paper. I got up, then went to the doorway and saw in darkness, in the mirror opposite, a reflection of his, as I initially thought of a silhouette. But when I raised my hand and waved it to make sure that the silhouette reflected in the mirror does the same most, – dumbfounded: the silhouette in the mirror was motionless. I leaned over continuing to observe. The silhouette stood rooted to the spot. Here then, I confess, I felt uneasy, and I turned on the light …
Uncomfortable to researchers and occasional witnesses to outbreaks poltergeist became more than once throughout all those hundreds years, during which mankind has been trying to deal with the cause and the mechanism of this abnormal phenomenon.
It only saves that poltergeist is a long-lasting phenomenon, but not eternal. So in this apartment, he gradually fell silent.
Soon, the newspaper that published the note changed its the name (though the poltergeist article had nothing to do with it …) But on this the modern history of poltergeists in Togliatti is not at all is over. In less than a few months, even more flared up. strong poltergeist process. He was also remarkable for the fact that localized in one of the secondary schools of the Avtozavodsky district.
I am not a “brownie”, I am a “schoolboy” …
The beginning of the summer of 1991. The school year has ended, students with pleasure anticipated the holidays, tired teachers dreamed about vacation. And only one school was preoccupied with completely different events – the school began poltergeist.
First of all, schoolchildren encountered unusual phenomena. For example, in a classroom during a pre-examination consultation, together to fly into the air flower pots, and then smoothly to fall into place. Or heading to the assembly hall to start rehearsal for the festive evening, the guys saw the door in front of shuts itself by itself, and the key sticking out in it turns in the keyhole.
What else was going on? In the locked auditorium they moved all chairs (heavy on their own, and even knocked down four in row), again in the locked room the light itself turned on and color music installation. I especially liked poltergeist messing with ultraviolet lamps. Well, and all sorts of little things like cold blows in enclosed spaces where, in theory, there are no drafts must…
When the limit of surprise was reached, the students decided complain to the principal. What do you think was the reaction to story? Of course! “Do not talk nonsense, there is nothing like that and there is no can! “And at this very moment of the verdict,” something “took and pushed the headmistress right in the direction of the flock of guys standing nearby. Such an argument was very convincing …
By coincidence, one of the teachers of this school was a member of our research team. He helped organize observations. For observation, night time was chosen when at school there was only a watchman. This was necessary for another reason. – so as not to create additional excitement among schoolchildren and those do not activate poltergeist (no such effect is noted time).
Remembering the experience of the Moscow “drum” and poltergeist in the apartment Nadezhda Nikolaevna, we tried to organize on the same principle dialogue with that “something” or “someone” that was the cause poltergeist events at this school. But we failed “talk” failed.
I must say that no special methodological developments on the study of poltergeist phenomena in our country at that time has not yet was (a little over a year has passed since the group was created). therefore had to invent on the go and use the henchmen means. Taking pictures in various modes and with different filters did not give results, “traps” in the form of tracks of talc and poltergeist also safely avoided the strained threads. Let’s go and other tricks from detective stories read at leisure, and elementary logical reasoning.
Say, if this Someone has such physical strength that able to “drop” a person or turn on the light, then will he not leave the imprint of his hand (or the way he acted on switches) on a thin layer of plasticine? During the next the duty of the button in the assembly hall (namely, he was chosen poltergeist) were accordingly processed, the room was sealed. Several experiments were unsuccessful – a sealed room after about an hour they opened it, the light was on, but the plasticine remained untouched. But once this “something” still left a mark! Thin a layer of plasticine on the desired button was drawn to plastic jagged line. Of course it was not a fingerprint with fingerprint lines, but it’s not superfluous to remind that in there was no one at that moment in the sealed room …
One experiment showed that the school “noisy spirit” has the ability to not only lock the door with a key, but also open. Before the next experiment, fixing the position of all objects in the room and carefully checking that there are no no stranger hid (checked both backstage and utility the room in which the musical equipment and some economic trifle), having personally closed all the windows and the entrance door (outside and the key), we left the room in silence and darkness on the next hour of duty. I must say that even in spite of all these checks, the entrance to the hall was always under our supervision, so that nobody could get there unnoticed. Is that “noisy spirit”…
An hour has passed. Opening the door, we begin the inspection in the hope of discovering traces of poltergeist activity. Strong enough attention a breeze that you can’t write off a poltergeist at all … It turned out that half of one of the window transoms is half open. And you could open it only from the inside … And there was nobody in the hall.
Well, they recorded the event in the observation protocol, pushed again window latch, fixed the position of the hall property, sealed for the umpteenth time the assembly hall and retired to the next hour. The next inspection showed such that even we were scared. A table of very impressive dimensions disappeared from the hall. Inspected everything but there was no table anywhere. There was only one place left within this rooms where no one has looked yet – back room. There were two of her exit: one through the utility room cut into the floor and closed a narrow manhole cover and an almost vertical staircase – but in size the table there, well, could not get through, except in a sawn form … And the second exit was through the window, which was located almost under the ceiling of this room. But there were no stairs to him, and indeed it was closed by two shutter flaps laid inside a thick wooden block. Since no logic could to conclude that the table is in the back room, we and drew attention to her in the last turn. However it turned out that the table was there. And the shutters are closed from the inside all the same wooden block. Yes, another table leg crushed the hatch, closing the second exit, so that it was possible to open the utility room, only sweating a lot.
The table was returned to its original place by a ladder by forces four men – three of ours and another school watchman, who at that the night received, I think, an unforgettable experience.
Trying to find the reason for the start of the poltergeist events, we interrogated schoolchildren. Everyone was interested: were there major conflicts before the events we are studying, or some other emergency situations, were not noticed whether similar incidents before? There really was a state of emergency – a month in advance two, one of the high school students, one of recognized school leaders, and even the leading school discos. The connection between this accident and the start of the poltergeist is not it was impossible to prove or verify at that time, but still we decided to try a method that they accidentally heard from someone from metropolitan colleagues, based on the principle of “The phenomenon of electronic voices. “Its essence is to use opportunities modern recording equipment, the sensitivity of which to exposed slightly more than human sensitivity ear, which allows you to catch and translate into the category of extremely audible faint sounds that are beyond physiological limits audibility. And the ideological basis for the study of FEG has come from ancient times, and it consists in the notions that that the human biological body is only a temporary refuge, a kind of “vessel” for the substance that stores in itself the human person is called the soul.
Note to the topic: officially the phenomenon e-voice “was opened by a Swedish art critic and film director Friedrich Jurgenson in the summer of 1959. Like all great, this phenomenon was discovered by chance. Enjoying privacy in nature, recording a couple of tapes with bird voices, Jurgenson decided listen to them at your leisure. There was no end to his surprise when among whistling and tweeting he discerned someone’s obsessive whisper. Male voice lectured in Norwegian on bird features singing (Jurgenson understood not only the Norwegian language, but also radio engineering.) Since during the walk he did not meet any living soul, then at first he decided that his little figurative the tape recorder accidentally caught and recorded a transmission from one of the neighboring radio stations. This phenomenon happens when sensitive objects household musical equipment: players, tape recorders, and sometimes and other electrical appliances that catch and reproduce the signal of a nearby radio stations. To confirm his guess, Jurgenson checked programs broadcast that day. But not one of the stations broadcasting in Norwegian, didn’t broadcast anything like that. So the period of experiments began, giving a series of new records. On the base data of many years of work he wrote the book “Radio communication with the beyond world “- the first in this area. Why not suggest that in the night silence of the school hall do not sound any sounds not heard by us? Maybe this Someone wants say something to people, but can’t – it’s too quiet for us vote?
The time for the experiment was chosen the most silent – three hours nights. The night city was asleep, and in the school hall was turned on for recording record player. Nearby sat silently our observer who recorded with accuracy up to minutes and seconds each coming from street sound. Here the car drove … Here the sleepy croaked crow …
When we later compared the record and the protocol, it turned out that street sounds just did not record (they are so quiet were), but others appeared on the film – creaking, like chairs on dragged to the floor, barely audible voices – and lonely, and in chorus …
If at that moment in time was necessary literature on the phenomenon of electronic voices, but more time – maybe we could record a distinct message. But alas, time ended, poltergeist also subsided. He completely calmed down after the repair done in the hall. If you know, this is one of ways to neutralize poltergeist.
For more than a year, large poltergeist processes in Togliatti have not bothered. And only in the fall of 1992 in one of the Volzhsky workshops car factory, where Togliatti D. worked, something began a curious and with varying intensity lasted until 1994, but about it in the following note. Mirror Time